srsly lol

Enormous List is Enormous

Last night I cobbled together a ginormous list of movie recommendations for Drift and Shishou, and I decided it should not languish on my hard drive for the rest of time (or at least until this computer inevitably conks out in a few years). For th...

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You Kids Are Gonna Grow All Sorts of Things! Vegetable Plants, Pizza Plants ...

Anime watching + Thanksgiving shenanigans = not much movie watching from me this week, though I had three good ones. Next week, however ... WALL-E (2008): The story isn't the absolu...

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My Week in Anime #4

Thanksgiving was fun. Had a nice, big meal, and then I played two hysterical games of Scattergories with my family. The best part of that game is coming up with ridiculous answers and BSing your way into having everyone else accept the answer. I c...

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Why I Love ...

So, here is my entry to Miss A's fan challenge. I decided to limit myself to anime, because including all other media would basically assure that I would neve...

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