Cowshtain Dior

Man. I just watched episode 16 of Revolutionary Girl Utena.

First, I have to admire the utter balls of the people behind the show for placing that episode where it is in the storyline. The two episodes before that start a new, intriguing plotline, and then BAM! Comedy episode.

I think the main reason they get away with it is because the episode is fucking hysterical. It's just kind of funny at first, although the reverential tones with which Jury and Miki refer to designer brands amused me greatly. But after Nanami starts hoisting around that cowbell? Instant classic territory. I didn't think it could get any better after her insane dream (in which Touga sends her off to slaughter and then eats her, which had me rolling), but it totally did.

One of the great things about Utena is that it is more than willing to be utterly bonkers and take the weirdest storylines to their logical conclusion. Case in point: Nanami starts wearing a cowbell. Only cows wear cowbells. So, how do we take care of that? Why, we slowly morph Nanami into a cow, of course! It's like straight up Looney Tunes, and it is wonderful. It works so well because Nanami doesn't even notice it's happening -- she's just like, "TSUWABUKI, BRING ME SOME GRASS MOOOOOOOOOO~"

And since the writers knew all logic went out the window long ago, I enjoyed how they were like, "Fuck it, Utena NEEDS to be a bullfighter" and they just had Anthy knit a red sweater for no reason, just so Utena would have something red to flash at Nanami. Olé, Utena!

The ending is classic, too. "Oh, I just call my cow, which I only have for the purposes of this episode, Nanami ... *frantic brushing off of the plot*"

And I am not sure I even want to know what Nanami looks like with a nose ring.

All in all, an excellent episode. Utena is utter, absurd anarchy, and I am enjoying every second of it.

My New Favorite theO Member

nimeGanja2 joined the room.

Shinmaru Hey, more people.

AnimeGanja2: whoa never knew this was here

pomegranate: Yeah o_o;;

Shinmaru AnimeGanja, haha

Shinmaru What an amusing name.

master hiko left the room. (Logged out)

AnimeGanja2: couldnt come up with anything else

master hiko joined the room.

AnimeGanja2: So what is up ppl

pomegranate: Isn't Ganja like some city in the Middle Easts?

pomegranate: *East ;;

AnimeGanja2: idk, always thought it was weed :3

Shinmaru haha


Chat is soooooooo empty right now. Did everyone get a life and not tell me??

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Rough

OK, I am pretty sure this is the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life:

Now I am off to do a bit of research before I start my Writers Bloc entry. Huzzah!



I'm the God! I'm the God!

One of our copy editors was on vacation today, and the other two had the day off.

So, guess who edited every story and wrote all the headlines for tomorrow's paper?

That's right. No autographs please.

BTW, I'm totally up for more Brawling tonight. Des? Sangome? Bueller? I arrive in one hour~