Index of Movie Posts -- from Sept. 2008 to present!
IT'S A SOMY -- the blog for those who love dumb fake products in their anime
Index of Movie Posts -- from Sept. 2008 to present!
IT'S A SOMY -- the blog for those who love dumb fake products in their anime
So, I've been going to city council meetings for a few weeks now as a part of my reporting class, and I have to say, the most exciting bit of news is that my town has its very own Crazy Old Man. He has a military haircut, Coke bottle glasses, suspenders, and everything. He even muttered angrily at the podium for about three minutes! I was much happier about this than I should have been.
These council meetings always peak in the first few minutes during oral communications, which is when anyone in town is allowed to address City Council for five minutes. I'm not sure which is better: seeing random, insane people ramble on for five minutes, or watching the hilarious reactions of the council members. I wish I were allowed to write about that.
In other news: Bill O'Reilly is also a Crazy Old Man. Who knew?
Some of you have probably seen that already, but I don't care. It made my day yesterday, so I'm linking to it out of principle. The best part is when he chucks the pen at the floor before the video ends. That sent me into over-the-top fits of laughter. Wonderful stuff.
More random news:
- I might be getting a new internship! A friend of mine works at a newspaper in Costa Mesa, and he's 99 percent sure his recommendation will get me in the door. By the summer, I could be copy editing at an actual newspaper. AMAZING.
- Each year, the communication department at Cal Poly Pomona hosts an event called Com Day, in which journalists and public relations workers speak on a panel and interact with students. One of the panel speakers is Esther Chou of the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, who has already rejected me twice for an internship. This could shatter the Awkward Scale, methinks. I'll try not to morph into Johnny Smith here, but I make no promises.
- Our second dodgeball tournament is tomorrow. In this tournament, teams can only have seven people, so we split into two teams at The Poly Post, the Delta Squad (which I'm on) and the Omega Squad. This has nearly caused a civil war, which will explode tomorrow, I'm sure. And there will be more pictures, of course.
That is all.
For fans of The Colbert Report, a wonderful end (?) to the epic, one-sided feud between Stephen Colbert and Korean pop star Rain:
I'm still trying to figure out what I find funniest - Colbert pulling on his badass dancer hoodie, deciding the contest with a DDR faceoff, or the hilarious update to "He's Singin' in Korean." I was rolling when I watched it this morning.
Already said it in the Lost thread on OB, but it needs to be emphasized again here: This week's Lost was terrible. I mean, wow. Have to say, though, Kate continues to impress me by topping herself each week - I never think I can hate her any more than I already do, but she keeps upping the ante. Bravo to her.
Also, Jack is a big pile of poop. To think I used to be a big supporter. What happened to you, buddy?
I want to buy Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney SO badly right now, but if I do, I am dooming myself to much more school-related stress than I really need right now.