It was the pictures that got small.

Once again reminding everyone that the Star Wars trilogy viewing is tomorrow! Be there!

Anyway, Sunset Boulevard won the poll, so we'll be watching that this coming Tuesday, Nov. 23, at 10 p.m. EDT/7 p.m. PDT. The movie is 105 minutes of scathing Hollywood references. Hooray!

The room will be called Sunset Blvd., and the password will be waxworks.

I've got a bad feeling about this ...

Forgot to mention this before, but I did a crapload of karaoke on Saturday, and a friend of mine took a bunch of video because I think he wants to embarrass us all. I don't know if he'll upload them somewhere; however, if he does, you all will be ...

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A quarter of a century of geekiness.

Remember: In just a little more than an hour, we'll be starting the Star Wars trilogy. Be there! Have fun! Make merry!

Also, I'm 25 today. God, what a mindfuck.

Primitive screwheads.

lol, I forgot there were multiple versions of Army of Darkness. Oops! Oh well. It wasn't that confusing most of the time we watched it. :p Now for next week's choices! :O 1. ...

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This ... is my boomstick!

Well, Army of Darkness swept the vote, so we'll be watching that this coming Tuesday, Nov. 16, at the usual time, 10 p.m. EDT/7 p.m. PDT. The movie's only 86 minutes long, so not much of a time sink there. :p

The room will be called S-Mart, and the password will be hailtotheking.