He vas my ... BOYFRIEND!

lol, I'm only six movies shy of my total from last year, and there's still about a month-and-a-half remaining in 2010. brb patting myself on the back Also, remember: ...

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Star Wars Extravaganza!

OK, I figured I'd better get the plans solidly set a few days in advance. :p We'll be watching the original Star Wars trilogy this Friday, Nov. 19. I thought about when we should start, and I settled on 12:30 p.m. EDT/9:30 a.m. PDT...

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Star Wars extravaganza?!

First off, don't forget to vote for next week's movie! That is, of course, unless you all ...

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I don't rattle, kid. But just for that, I'm gonna beat you flat.

Jeez, I love The Hustler. Since I already knew the story, this time around I found myself focusing on the settings. I love the dinginess of the bars, bus stops and hotels, and how they're nonetheless important because all these dingy lowl...

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You shoot a great game of pool.

Apologies for the delay in posting this -- my connection was crap yesterday, so it took forever to get the movie onto MegaUpload.

Anyway, this is the first time I've had to pull rank and choose the movie myself! Exciting! Was tempted to go with The Stepford Wives, because I haven't seen it before, but The Hustler is one of my favorites, and I am an extremely biased man, so I went with that.

So we'll be watching The Hustler this coming Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the usual time, 10 p.m. EDT/7 p.m. PDT. The movie's 134 minutes long, so it's right on the edge of the acceptable time limit!

The room will be called The Pool Hall, and the password will be poolshark.

EDIT: whoa weekly bump whoa