I take it black, like my men.

I think everyone who usually votes and watches has already voted, but just in case, the next movie poll is up right here....

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Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

Man, I forgot how well Airplane! holds up. Hilarious movie -- if you haven't seen it, get on that right away. Now for the next choices! 1. ...

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Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

Airplane! won the narrow vote, so we'll be watching that this coming Tuesday, Oct. 25, at the usual time, 10 p.m. EDT/7 p.m. PDT. The movie's 87 minutes long, so not much of a time sink here!

The room will be called The Terminal, and the password will be blowupdoll.

Just one more thing: Election day is coming up in a couple of weeks, and of course I have to work that night, so the week after next we'll have to hold our movie night on that Monday instead of Tuesday. That cool with everyone?

EDIT: Reminder bump! Also, I completely forgot about the weekly movie post because of Pokemon. Oops. I'll do it tomorrow morning.

s-CRY-ed - Hot-Blooded to a Ridiculous Degree

Many years after "The Great Uprising", many people in the Lost Ground -- a part of Japan cut off from the rest of the nation -- have developed special po...

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Sister and daughter.

Once again, more good times tonight! I do love spreading classics like Chinatown. Also, I almost forgot how much Jack Nicholson gets his ass kicked in that movie. Yikes. I guess he makes up for it by burning a few dudes with some good com...

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