I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds illegal.

The Hurt Locker (2009): Definitely lived up to the hype for me. It pulls off an interesting balance, showing the kind of action and excitement that makes war addicting for some pe...

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Macross Plus -- Flying Is More than Falling with Style

Isamu Dyson is a hotshot pilot who has been transferred to a test pilot program, where he is set up against former fri...

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Movie Post Index

Does this sound familiar: "Boy, I really want to know if Ace in the Hole is worth watching*, but I need a totally awesome, unbiased person to give me a sound opinion." Well, it won't sound familiar any longer, because I am that totally aw...

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The bullets kept hitting him. Forever.

The Vanishing (1988): I actually wasn’t a huge fan of this. Couldn’t really bring myself to care about the guy whose wife was kidnapped or the kidnapper ...

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The worst thing ever.

Who in the fuck would ever think this is cute? This is what I would play if someone I hated was teetering on the edge of suicide, and I wanted him to go through with it. This might be the most depressing song I've ever heard in my life.