They just really like dessert.

First off, I had a ridiculous amount of downtime at work, so I made this Google document listing my favorite movie from 1930-2009, with honorable mentions in parentheses. A couple of m...

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Paranoia Agent -- Fear wrapped in a sandwich of WTF.

This will be the first of my posts taking the place of My Week in Anime -- just some ruminations on the series I watch. I probably should have done this ...

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Desmond is a slick man.

Desmond episodes are always magic. I am ready for anything tonight. Let's get it on! -- Desmond sure gets dragged around a lot. -- There are so many swear words swimming through Desmond's mind right now. -- The shot from Ben? Th...

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I'd rather be a pig than a fascist.

Watched just one movie last week, so since I didn't feel like writing about just the one, I delayed it until this week. And I got my refund check yesterday. Good times! ...

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MST3K invades anime (sort of) (also lol engrish)

So, I watched the first episode of Heroman to see if it would be decent or just goofy (it's goofy), and in the middle of the episode the main kid, Joey Jones (no, seriously), sees his toy robot come to life after being struck by lightning...

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