My tax refund arrived!

External Image

And by "tax refund" I mean all the irresponsible stuff I bought with part of my tax refund.

Picture's kind of blurry (my sister took it on her phone), so what's there ...

-- PlayStation 3
-- Uncharted 1-3
-- Assassin's Creed 1-2
-- God of War 1-3
-- Ico and Shadow of the Colossus collection

So, hey, new PS3 owner here! If any of you all have the system, be sure to send me a friend request. My PSN name is Shinmaru007.

Streaming?! Part 2

Des and I are going to finish our wonderful watch of Sister Princess in a couple of weeks. After this week's episode, he asked if I'd thought more about streaming and then suggested I do something Friday nights. That sounds like a fun idea to me, but I do have a couple of qualms with it ...

1) I get home late most work nights, but Fridays are particularly hectic. I usually don't get home until 11 p.m. PST, and it's not rare for me to get home at 11:30. Not that late for my pals on the west coast, but that's 1-1:30 central time, and past 2 a.m. on the east coast. Pretty late to start something up, even if it's before the weekend. Plus, I don't know if people would want to stay up really late consecutive days to watch streams.

2) ... Wait, actually, that point about Des' stream was going to be my second point. Never mind.

Those are concerns on my end, but you all know your individual preferences and schedules better than me, so if you're cool with it, then speak up. If not, then also speak up! I honestly don't have a problem waiting until summer when schedules open up much more; however, it would also be cool to have more fun throughout the year.

On a not that much related note, I went crazy with my tax return and ordered a big package off Amazon, but then I cheaped out on the shipping, so now I'm going crazy waiting for it to ship. WHY DO I DO THIS EVERY TIME

EDIT: Something I'd also be willing to do to accommodate is to scale down the scope of any late night streaming I do. If people are cooler with an hour or two versus Des' five-hour marathons, then I'm happy to oblige.


So I've been thinking for a while now that it would be fun to get in on this streaming malarkey, and I'm still thinking about it, but it's definitely something that would be fun. What I'm thinking about most is that while there are tons of games t...

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Um, yes, please.

Shinichiro Watanabe is directing an anime again, with Yoko Kanno handling the music.

Be still, my heart.

Games are cool, yo.

I posted this on Facebook, but there are people here who don't follow me there, so why not do a blatant copy/paste? So in the spirit of whoring as many comments as possible today ... Starting in college, I started falling out of the video g...

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