We were so close ...

Since this final season is mirroring the first season, apparently, tonight's episode centers around Jack. I bet my prose just drips with excitement tonight. -- Oh, yay, a Jack episode. Just what I always wanted. -- Island memories are...

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Is it that hard to make us look cool?

There isn't much worse than being sick on days off. Lame. Big Fan (2009): Good movie, and actually stuck in a certain direction for the duration, which surprised me. The descriptio...

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My Week in Anime #65

I forgot to share the funniest part of yesterday: My boss decided to tell me about being hired full-time while we were both taking a wizz in the restroom. I was so delighted by the news that I forgot to be weirded out. What the hell, man? Rule No....

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The REAL most important post ever.

I got the job and am now a full time worker at the paper. Rejoice! Celebrate! Have a few drinks for me! Hoorah!

(I also get a $2 an hour raise, plus all the benefits that weren't afforded to the lowly temp worker. Booyah.)

The most important post ever.

Just kidding. I wanted to see how many people would actually come here even though it is Lost posting night for me. The week after a Kate episode. There's nowhere to go but up from here, right? Exactly. -- Lost was ...

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