My Week in Anime #63

Anime discussed: Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, Dance in the Vampire Bund, Hanamaru Kindergarten, Shin Mazinger Z, Shugo Chara! Party, Simoun, Sora no Woto UNMEI KAIHEN: ...

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*insert Lost fanboying here*

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST Can you tell I am excited for the new season/the final season? It won't answer every question ("Can we just pretend Walt never existed??"), but it will answer all the important questions, and that's...

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She has lost the will to live.

Very excited about the premiere of Lost tonight! And you bet I'll be back to posting tl;dr strings of random thoughts on each episode that only a few people will read! Couldn't be looking forward to it more! But before that omg mov...

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Good news!

So in between the silliness with the debt collection agency (still working on that) and my temp period at work possibly ending a month earlier than expected (my bosses are trying to find a spot for me, but I don't know how that's going), there's actually some good news afoot here ... our Internet connection got to the point where my dad was like, "OK, fuck this" and he called tech support. And when they were no help at all, he buckled down and fixed it himself, and thus I'm able to get into chat again. Yay!

EDIT: Man, I am just a posting demon today, aren't I? Anyway, more potential cause for celebration! My boss talked to me today, and he informed me that the woman I am temping for has decided not to come back. Don't know the details, myself, but I assume she decided to stay at home and raise her child. Or maybe she got a better offer elsewhere. The point is I have a solid chance of getting a full-time job here now. It's not assured, mind, because my boss wants to interview a couple of candidates, and maybe the experience of one of them will completely bowl him over, but he did tell me that I have the inside track due to my experience here -- I don't have to get to know everyone, I'm already registered here, I know my way around the system, etc.

I'll be disappointed if I don't get the job, of course, but the very fact that I actually have the opportunity for a full-time job in these rough times (especially in a field that is getting battered every day) is pretty damn exciting for me. I'm crossing my fingers!

In other news, I just started the first in a series of anime posts on the OtakuBoards World. This first post might be a bit rough because I wrote it over the course of a few hours during down time at work, and because I'm still figuring out exactly how I want to approach these posts, but hopefully I'll be able to refine them and make them interesting for people soon enough!

This calls for ...

And just for some extra party time ...

My Week in Anime #62

I'm going to be helping James out with something at the OtakuBoards World, so look forward to that later on today (would have been posted yesterday, but my Internet was kaput much of the day...

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