A cheapskate's dream.

So, Right Stuf has a sale on Geneon products going on until November 19th. Some pretty great deals going on -- personally, I'll be springing for Gankutsuou ($26.99, normally $149.98 (?!?!)) and Last Exile ($14.99, normally $89.98 (!!!)). So, uh, go wild everyone!

EDIT: Ah, read it wrong -- the Last Exile set is the first four discs rather than the complete series. Still a damn good deal considering the singles are selling for $4 each. They don't seem to have discs five or seven, however ... the whole series is selling for $29.99, though, so I might get that instead. Decisions!

My Week in Anime #51

You know, I want to keep advertising UNMEI KAIHEN posts on here, but I don't want to be obnoxious about it, so I thought of an idea: I'll put an asterisk next to series that have an accompanying blog post and provide the link at the entry in this ...

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Am I right to be annoyed at paying $24 to renew my state ID card? I am pretty sure I didn't pay that much for the damn thing when I first got it. WTF. None of my information has even changed -- I'm basically paying $24 for a new picture and an updated expiration date. What a crock.

Also, the customer announcement system the DMV has might be the most monotonous thing I have ever heard in my life. A horde of Ben Steins hypnotizing me while pouring warm milk down my throat would not have made me want to fall asleep more.

My Week in Anime #50

Man, and I thought last week was abbreviated. This week I definitely watched the fewest episodes of anime since I started doing this last year. Balancing work, UNMEI KAIHEN and this is a tough task that I am still trying to figure out. Bu...

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Monster Mash

Monster post a day late because I am amazingly easy to distract.

Yesterday was election day, and I discovered the frustration of trying to work the word "incumbent" into single column headlines. (They are the bane of any copy editor's existence.) Almost got a Final Fantasy VI reference into the paper with the use of the word "returners" in a headline, but unfortunately the paper was sent off before we got complete election results, and using a word with such obvious implications (even if the incumbents were winning at the time) is not a good idea. Plus, I'll admit it sounded awkward. Oh well! It was late, and I was just trying to push stories through the chain of editing as quickly as I could.