Well, this is convenient!

It's a good thing I did not get that job at Macy's, because a much, much better opportunity has fallen into my lap!

A bit of background: Around the same time I applied to Macy's, my adviser at Cal Poly Pomona's student newspaper told me about a job opening at the San Gabriel Valley Tribune (he worked there for more than 20 years before retiring a couple of years ago). I applied for the job -- a position as an editorial assistant -- but didn't hear back for a few weeks, so after sending along a couple of other e-mails and calls, I figured the position was taken.

However, a few days ago, the managing editor of the paper e-mailed me back, apologizing for the delayed response, and told me that while the editorial assistant position was quickly filled, there was another opening that was more up my alley: A five-month stint as a full-time copy editor/page designer for their copy desk, which works on eight different newspapers. He wants me to come in Monday for an interview and to take their editing test.

So, I am pretty damn excited! I'm cracking the books in preparation, haha. Pretty sure that the Tribune works by the Associated Press stylebook, and while I know that like the back of my hand, it never hurts to give it another thorough read. Plus, I have to drill into my head all the common sense things to look for aside from grammar/style errors (obviously incorrect facts, biased headlines/leads, sloppy page design, etc.).

After a year with no work, I'm going to be honest and say I started to question the path I took, but with this opportunity, I can say I feel that fire again! I'm going to go in there and work my ass off to make sure I get that job.

My Week in Anime #45

Haha, I know, really early to be posting this. What can I say, I did not want to wait. Big ol' UNMEI KAIHEN link dump because I have not done one in a while: Ep12...

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OK, I am off to my job interview now! Hopefully I'll get the job and have a decent amount of hours, but I'll be happy with whatever I can get since, you know, it is more than the zero I am currently working.

Also, guess who got Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box yesterday? :D

EDIT: Rats, no go on the job. I was kind of hopeful because the number of applicants was whittled from six to four before the interviews even began, but they told me they just did not have any work for me, but if something came up they would call me, etc. I hope the other three applicants were luckier than me, though. At least the interview wasn't super weird or drawn out, or anything. (I heard a couple of strange stories while I was there.)

It wasn't an ideal situation (I would have to wake up super early in the morning, and the average number of hours per week is about 15 or so), but hell, I would have taken that over nothing. Ah well. Just gotta keep pluggin' away, and an opportunity will present itself somewhere eventually.

Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon.

Before I start with the movies, Selene brought up something in the comments of my anime post: She wondered if I could have a short index of the anime I write about at the top of the post, and if people see something they are interested in reading ...

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My Week in Anime #44

UNMEI KAIHEN ahoy! Ep10 of Aoi Hana and eps 9-11 of Kare Kano. The latter is easily the lo...

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