Movie Recs

I have a bunch of movies written down for whenever I feel like requesting something from the library, but I could always use more. So I come to you lovely people for advice. Throw out whatever titles you like -- I don't care when it was made, where it was made, what genre it is, or whatever. If I think it sounds interesting (and chances are I will), and I can order it from the library, then I'll likely watch it.

This is everything I've watched and rated on IMDb (it's basically everything I've ever seen, sans some garbage movies I watched as a kid and have blocked from my mind). Check it out if you don't want to recommend something I've already seen, but as a warning, it tends to freeze my browser (I use Firefox) for a few seconds when I first open it, so be careful there. If you wanna just recommend something without chancing anything screwy happening, then I understand. Not like I'm going to berate someone for mentioning something I've already watched, haha.

I am nobody's fool, least of all yours.

No Death at a Funeral today because I'll be watching it with Shishou and Drift some time this week (:D), and no Ronin because my DVR somehow recorded the wrong movie. =/ EDIT: Also, UNMEI KAIHEN posts on ...

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My Week in Anime #40

OMG 40 weeks. If my computer hadn't crapped out earlier in the summer, I would probably be at 43 by now, but eh. Celebration~ A whopping three UNMEI KAIHEN posts btw: Ep7 ...

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zomg Midseason Review

... Or maybe a bit later than midseason! Been meaning to do this for a while now, but I am behind on a couple of shows, so I kept putting it off. But if I put the post off any more, it wouldn't be anywhere near midseason. xD I'm watching 10...

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You wanna go to jail, or you wanna go home?

Couple of new UNMEI KAIHEN posts (lots of writing lately, haha): Ep7 of Spice and Wolf II and ep5 o...

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