Irony Ahoy, Losties!!

Ugh, I am so glad that's the final hiatus. Clip shows are my mortal enemy. I get enough of those damn things while watching anime. Good to see Lost back, however, and with a Faraday episode, no less! I'm excited. :D -- Nooooooooooo...

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I abandoned my boy.

Bringing Out the Dead (1999): It's always jarring for me to see Nicolas Cage in a good role, because the guy does so much garbage that it's not difficult to forget he can ac...

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My Week in Anime #25

Before I get started with the animu, I want to do some quick plugging: A few months back, my sister got into one of Fox's many victims over the years, Wonderfalls. She received the se...

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The Job Odyssey

Today I'm going to a job fair to at least, hopefully, make some kind of contact that will land me a job down the road. Best case scenario, obviously, is getting a job relatively quickly, but I'm trying to temper my expectations, haha. There will be 2,000+ people there, apparently, gunning for positions with just 45 companies. Great ratio, eh?

Most frustrating part is that I'm trying to do research, and yet it's impossible to find a damned list of employers. The job fair does not have a Web site, calling the listed phone number was no help and the expo center's Web site does not have a list, either. I cobbled together something tiny from reading a couple of news stories; however, I'll have to do some quick thinking when I'm there. Joy!

In much less irritating news, today is Miss A's birthday! Hooray! Have some Colin Mochrie:

EDIT: My mom makes me laugh sometimes. First thing she asks when I get home: "Did you find an apprenticeship??"

Yeah, I'm starting at the local smithy next week ... xD She's so silly.

Btw, the job fair was a total slog. At least a third of the companies were trade schools or military/police, and then another third were things I am not remotely qualified for. I talked to as many people and handed out as many résumés as I could, but a bunch of employers had enormous stacks of the darn things, so I'm not exactly brimming with confidence. But at least I got out and did something instead of sitting on my ass all day, so I have that going for me.

And there was air conditioning there, too, so I got some brief respite from this horrible heat wave. Score!

I hate posses.

Haha, not much to say here, so I'll just get to the movies. (Except go Lakers! lol @ the Jazz) My Neighbor Totoro (1988): For some reason, it is difficult for me to desc...

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