My Week in Anime #22

Ah, a shorter week than usual in terms of episodes watched. Feels weird. Anyway, with the spring shows starting to leak out, the winter season has officially come to a close. Some time next week I will write my best of the winter season post, and ...

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Disneyland, Ahoy!

First off, if you are curious about every picture taken, check 'em out here. Not all of them are great, and there are a few repeats, but if you're a completist, then ...

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Oh, joy of joys, it is a Kate episode. My excitement cannot be measured. -- lol, little shot Ben is so pathetic. -- lol @ Kate being instructed like a moron. -- haha, Ben's dad is falling for Kate, isn't he? -- Man, wouldn...

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I'm still laughing. :D


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Stories and Dorky References

Haha, I'll probably do a post of decent length in a couple of days (long story short, had a lot of fun, Laura is a good gal, etc.), but right now I am too sore to write anything of much consequence, haha. Going to Disneyland meant I did much more ...

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