Lost Makes Me Happy and Also Angers Me

No real introduction tonight. Let's just get into the episode. -- Nice, we get to see what happened to the islanders now. -- No more nosebleeds! No more headaches! Good work, Locke! -- lol, three whole years on the island before...

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Images are fun!

Some of you might have noticed a new image in my intro -- after TC messaged me earlier about signature images on My Anime List, I decided to toss mine on here, since I don't visit MAL's forums anymore, haha. For those with MAL accounts, just go to edit profile --> my signature, and then you can mess with the colors and anything else you want. There is also a thread on the MAL forums about image customization, but I am retarded, so I am not messing with that. The more artfully inclined members might be curious about that, however. :P

Putting the image in your intro is of course a simple matter of getting the URL (it's right there in the signature code box below the image) and using the [img] tag. Fun!

Also, Crispin Freeman, hooray!

Golden Ninja Warrior

OK, my weekly movie post is getting a little shake-up this week. Due to various shenanigans after the Movie Sign chat this past Sunday, this post is officially Horrifyingly Amazing Movies Week, sponsored by Fasteriskhead. Every movie I watched thi...

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My Week in Anime #17

Anime discussed: Axis Powers Hetalia, Clannad ~After Story~, Code Geass R2, Cowboy Bebop, Diebuster, Excel Saga, Kemono no Souja Erin, Kurenai, Kurokami, Lovely C...

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Lost in Lost

Time to get the backstory of Locke's magical inland tour. Onward! -- Appears as though Airport Dude found his way into an island hatch. -- Nice magazines. This place is like a dentist's waiting room. -- Cesar is a good name....

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