Index of Movie Posts -- from Sept. 2008 to present!
IT'S A SOMY -- the blog for those who love dumb fake products in their anime
Index of Movie Posts -- from Sept. 2008 to present!
IT'S A SOMY -- the blog for those who love dumb fake products in their anime
Some of you might have noticed a new image in my intro -- after TC messaged me earlier about signature images on My Anime List, I decided to toss mine on here, since I don't visit MAL's forums anymore, haha. For those with MAL accounts, just go to edit profile --> my signature, and then you can mess with the colors and anything else you want. There is also a thread on the MAL forums about image customization, but I am retarded, so I am not messing with that. The more artfully inclined members might be curious about that, however. :P
Putting the image in your intro is of course a simple matter of getting the URL (it's right there in the signature code box below the image) and using the [img] tag. Fun!
Also, Crispin Freeman, hooray!