DID YOU KNOW IT'S PRESIDENTS' DAY TODAY?????????????????????????????????

I've never delivered a baby before, and I really thought ice tongs was the way to go.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. A few words of advice to everyone on this wonderful day: If the Love Shack's a rockin', don't come a-knockin'. *shot* Anyway, Saturday means movies, and I have plenty to deliver! ...

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My Week in Anime #15

Man, 15 weeks! My gosh, I get shocked every time I go to post this and look up at the number lol. Here's to more sets of 15~ Anime discussed: Asu no Yoichi!, Axis Powers Hetalia, Clannad ~After Story~, Code Ge...

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Time traveling hurts.

Lots happening on Lost this week, so let's get down to the spazzing!! -- People start using cell phones younger and younger these days. (Sun's daughter is very cute, btw.) -- Can Sun truly go through with being super evil? Le...

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I am excited for the final episode of Gundam 00's first season tonight. Can you tell? :P

Definitely looking forward to seeing how one scene in particular is handled -- it is actually my favorite in the first season, so make it good, dubbers! (For the curious, it is the Graham vs. Setsuna GAR Battle of Doom. I'm already prepared for the English scene to not be as good, because it won't feature Yuichi Nakamura screaming like a madman.)

Other than that, I have a sudden hankering to post at OB today. Anime Central could use a bit more love. :)

And just to show how out of sync I am with the outside world: I completely forgot it is Presidents' Day today. My brother has the day off, so I'll probably hang around with him most of the day.

EDIT: The weather is strange. Just a few hours ago it was raining hard, and there was even some strong lightning, and now it is unbelievably sunny. Huh.