My Week in Anime #8

Man, two months already -- can you believe it? Let's get this show on the road. (BTW, if you are a member of BoxTorrents, then be sure to take advantage of the freeleech period. I don't think it's a...

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Everyone else is doing it. I just want to be popular. For Christmas Eve, I got: -- Two nice sweatshirts akin to the awesome one my uncle gave me last year. I still wear it as much as possible, so this is appreciated. -- A F...

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Ho Ho Huh?

Much like others posting around today, just in case I don't see some of you around, I wish you all a good Christmas. Have kickass times with the family and have a ton of fun today, all you awesome people. :)

In other news, I wrote a review of ef - a tale of memories for the Anime and Manga Review World. The basic premise is that ef is fantastic and everyone should see it, but read if you are interested in more. :P

Anyway, I am off. Got some anime and movies to watch before heading off to my uncle's house later on in the day. Good times!



Try to Make Me Shut Up

Lots of movies this week, and, believe it or not, many more next week. I am going to be a busy man. Westworld (1973): A solid satire that morphs into a decent thriller in the fin...

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