Just wrote a post about ep19 of FMA: Brotherhood, which is definitely the best episode of the series so far, but if you'll allow me a bit of fanboying ...

... HOLY SHIT MUSTANG IS FUCKING AWESOME IN THIS EPISODE. Mustang vs. Lust is really good in the manga, but it has even more insane levels of intense in the anime. Flames of vengeance, indeed. Mustang roasts the bejeezus out of Lust, my god. It gets pretty gruesome at a couple of points, haha. And as much as I enjoy playful!Shinichiro Miki, AUTHORITATIVE GAR SUPERSTAR!SHINICHIRO MIKI IS AMAZING. <3 The animation style of this fight reminds me of a certain fight that happens way later in the series, and now I REALLY REALLY REALLY cannot wait to see that animated. It will be epic.

Just because 'Gome probably did not read the spoilers: CATCH UP TO THIS EPISODE BECAUSE SHINICHIRO MIKI IS FREAKING WONDERFUL IN IT. That is all.

But my anime watching is not all sunshine and roses. I'm watching Mobile Suit Gundam SEED right now, because I really need to clear out my backlog before I even think about getting anything new. It's OK so far, nothing really too spectacular -- most all the good points and bad points cancel each other out. Except when it comes to a certain Flay Allster ...


OMFG I HATE FLAY SO MUCH THAT I GOT KICKED FROM CHAT LAST NIGHT FOR SWEARING TO RYO EVERY TIME FLAY WAS ONSCREEN. Just ... Jesus, I didn't think I could hate a Gundam character any more than Zeta's Katz Kobayashi (god I hate that little fuckshit) or 00's Nena Trinity, but Flay is making an epic run for the crown. Horrible racist? Check. Scheming asshole? Remains to be seen, but I say check. Stone cold bitch? Check. CREEPY ASS AFFAIR WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER? CHECK. Everything she does, I can't help but react to like, "WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY." She's just annoying at the beginning, but once Lacus (who annoys me, too, but not NEARLY as much as Flay) makes a brief stop on the ship, Flay becomes FUCKING UNBEARABLE. Any sympathy that might come her way due to her dad dying has long washed away. She's definitely planning some horrible shit that is going to fuck things up for everyone (I'm through ep17 at the moment), and I will make a facepalm that will break the sound barrier, and my head will FUCKING EXPLODE WITH ANGER.


Feels good to get all of that out of my system!
