I've made a huge mistake.

So, for the past few days I have been watching Arrested Development with my sister. (We're halfway through season two right now.) Um, why did I not watch it when it first aired? This show is as great as everyone says it is. I love that it has a legitimately solid, twisty story to go along with being friggin' hilarious. I also love all the random little touches and nods to continuity (like everyone constantly getting blue paint on their hands after Tobias decides to join the Blue Man Group).

My favorite episode so far is either "Pier Pressure" (where Buster has George Michael buy some pot, and Gob and Michael set up a bust to teach him a lesson) or "Sad Sack" (where a picture of Tobias' ball sack is mistaken for photos of WMDs). But pretty much every episode is hilarious, haha. What I really appreciate about the series is that it really engages you and encourages you to stay sharp while watching it, because basically anything in any episode can be a joke on some level.

As for a favorite character ... Gob probably makes me laugh the most. He's such a wonderful idiot. He also seems to be in constant competition with Tobias over who can come up with the weirdest double entendres while being completely ignorant of their potential meaning. (Tobias has the strangest one so far, with "I'll be your wingman. If it means me taking a chubby, I'll suck it up!" Tobias, Tobias, Tobias ...) And, even though he is an asshole 90 percent of the time, I feel a bit sorry for Gob when he actually tries to succeed at something and completely fails.

Tobias and Buster are catching up with him, though. They both get weirder and funnier with each episode. The other characters all have plenty of great moments, too -- my favorite line so far is actually from George Michael, Michael's son, in "Pier Pressure" when he says, "It was me. I smoked the marijuana, like a cigarette." Just completely unbelievable the second it leaves George Michael's mouth, and it had me cracking up.

If you want to watch Arrested Development, the entire series is on Hulu. :D
