OK, I am off to my job interview now! Hopefully I'll get the job and have a decent amount of hours, but I'll be happy with whatever I can get since, you know, it is more than the zero I am currently working.

Also, guess who got Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box yesterday? :D

EDIT: Rats, no go on the job. I was kind of hopeful because the number of applicants was whittled from six to four before the interviews even began, but they told me they just did not have any work for me, but if something came up they would call me, etc. I hope the other three applicants were luckier than me, though. At least the interview wasn't super weird or drawn out, or anything. (I heard a couple of strange stories while I was there.)

It wasn't an ideal situation (I would have to wake up super early in the morning, and the average number of hours per week is about 15 or so), but hell, I would have taken that over nothing. Ah well. Just gotta keep pluggin' away, and an opportunity will present itself somewhere eventually.
