
So, I was randomly bumming around on ANN's message board just now, and I happened upon this site, which features preview clips of the Monster English dub. There are some big spoilers for the first few episodes here, but if you want to hear Tenma, Johann, Nina, Eva and Inspector Lunge before Monster's premiere, then have at it!

Some brief thoughts from me:

Liam O'Brien is a surprisingly good fit as Tenma. He's not perfect (there are a couple of bits where he sounds weird), but in general I am pleased with the portrayal. Mela Lee is fine as Nina, which is pretty much what is required. Don't think I can really judge Tara Platt as Eva yet. She sounds fine in the opening scene, but that is really the nicest we'll see Eva be for a LONG time, so she is not really in character at that point. I'm kind of mixed on Richard Epcar as Lunge. He doesn't sound as creepy or robotic as the Japanese actor, but I don't think he is bad, either.

And then there is Johann. I don't know who is voicing him (not nearly well versed enough in American dub actors to discern the voice, if it is someone at least decently well known), but the actual voice itself is spot on, I think. Exactly how I thought Johann would sound in English -- light-voiced, vaguely polite and with a twist of chilliness to it. Damn voice sent a shiver down my spine and made me jump in my bed from the first syllable, so it has that going for it.

That said, I think the acting in the particular scene they have is a bit misplaced. He sounds a bit more outwardly mocking of Tenma than I'd like. When I first watched Monster, Johann struck me as being legitimately sincere in his belief that he was paying Tenma back for saving his life, which, really, makes that scene all the more frightening. It is not nearly as over the top as it could have been, which is a good thing, but I hope it is toned down just a bit in the future, because whoever the actor is, he at least has the voice required to really nail Johann.

So now I am that much more excited about Monster's premiere tonight! (Remember: SyFy at 11 p.m. EDT -- everyone here with SyFy should watch it.) Unfortunately, I cannot watch it live, because I'll be working tonight. But I have it ready to be recorded and now I'll watch it right when I get home, whether I'm super tired or not. xD Also, just because I love Monster so much, I'll be giving it the UNMEI KAIHEN treatment during the entirety of its run on SyFy. So I encourage anyone keeping up with Monster to read those posts when I put them out. :D
