The Monster is Growing

I watched the Monster dub a bit later than some of you, but I enjoyed it for the most part. So much so, in fact, that I'll be doing weekly Monster posts on UNMEI KAIHEN for the duration of the show's run on SyFy.

Here is the first post now, as a matter of fact!

Some very vague spoilers about future events, but other than that, it should be good for vets and newbies alike to read. It's good for a start, anyway; frankly, I don't even think I have gone all that deep at all yet, haha. Just wait until the real stuff starts happening. Hopefully my mind will always be this clear when I write these posts, too, because with my schedule, I think I will always have to write them before going to sleep. xD

So, yes, for all you Monster fans out there, please read! Hopefully my posts keep getting better along with the series itself. :D

EDIT: Also, some more fanboyish thoughts that I didn't include in the above post.

-- I forgot how much I love the OP. The song is good, and the OP sequence is kind of awesome. Too bad SyFy has to hurry through the ED, though.
-- It is absolutely hilarious to see Eva being relatively polite in the first couple of episodes ... well, until she dumps Tenma, anyway.
-- I feel bad for him, but drunk!Tenma always cracks me up.
-- Not to mention crazy shouting!Tenma.
-- Another fun note: The evil doctors in these episodes are not even 1/1,000,000th as horrible as the worst characters in the series. Yay!
