The monster is here.

Man, I wish I could watch Monster live with everyone! Johan's first big scene in ep4 always gives me chills. Although I would actually argue that until the second big arc, at least, Inspector Lunge is the creepiest character in the series. He really rubbed me the wrong way for a long time, haha.

Anyway, I have my second Monster post on UNMEI KAIHEN right here. Writing this was a bit easier because 1) I did it after a good night's sleep xD 2) I took some notes while watching the episode and 3) There is no third reason.

I encourage everyone interested in Monster to read it, particularly because the series is already asking some tough questions, haha.

Work is going well. I don't have any really interesting stories yet, since I have been flitting all around the office as I have been training, but I'm settled in one area now, so yay!

Yesterday was sort of rough, though, because I got a page with a couple of school board election bio boxes on them, and those things are a bitch to work with because they're freaking enormous, so it's immediately a struggle to get them to fit on the page, and also because there are also like 10 bajillion elements to each box, so messing with one thing pretty much makes everything else explode. Ugh.
