A "monster" of a post. Ha ha.

I'm sorry.

Monster post relatively on time this week. I can get work done when I put my mind to it! This is the point where the series steps up its game. There will be the odd side story episodes along the lines of ep9-10 every so often, but ep10 is pretty much low man on the totem pole.

A few random things: 1) Hartmann is an asshole. 2) Dieter rules. 3) I heard Adam started "singing" at an inappropriate moment in the show lol. 4) The end of ep12 is pretty dramatic, but it is admittedly a bit silly because of, well, "DEEEEEEEETAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH". I love Monster, but that is hilarious. I shout it all the time. About the 3:45 mark of the video is where the lulz begin. It's one of the very few instances of unintentional humor in Monster, but that probably makes it more funny.

EDIT: I should also clarify that I'm talking about the Japanese version. The English dub is actually subdued in comparison.

Also, in my movie post yesterday, I completely forgot to add that I watched the "complete" version of FFVII -- Advent Children. I'm a fair guy and wanted to give the movie another chance. Maybe if I watched it expecting only to enjoy the visuals, fights and fanservice, then I'd have a good time. But ... I just can't get past the first half of the movie being so damn boring. It's half the movie establishing a plot I don't care about. Cue yawning. The fights, absurd as they are, are lots of fun, but I just cannot get past that story, as hard as I try. Plus, Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo are all goofs. Who the hell could take any of those losers seriously? On the flip side, I'll always imagine Aeris speaking in Maaya Sakamoto's voice from now on. And Cloud with Takahiro Sakurai.
