My Week in Anime #62

I'm going to be helping James out with something at the OtakuBoards World, so look forward to that later on today (would have been posted yesterday, but my Internet was kaput much of the day); however, until then, enjoy my enormous anime post! Yay!

Anime discussed: Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, Hanamaru Kindergarten, Katanagatari, Kemono no Souja Erin, Planetes, Shin Mazinger Z, Sora no Woto, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

UNMEI KAIHEN: Durarara!!, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Nodame Cantabile Finale, Ookami Kakushi, Planetes

EDIT: Forgot to add the blog links AGAIN. Jeez. No Kimi ni Todoke post because the episode was an uninteresting (and weird) recap episode. In its place I wrote a Planetes post that is basically an extended version of my thoughts from last week.

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu ep3
I'll go a bit against the grind here by saying I think this is the least funny episode of the series thus far. Not really anything here I haven't seen in a bunch of other anime (except the jokes are accompanied by better visuals here). The jokes about Akihisa's unfortunate admirer will either be hilarious or really stupid and borderline offensive. Can't wait!

Durarara!! ep3
When everything is said and done, I think Simon will be my favorite character. There's just something about him that seems really awesome; he'll be able to unleash his full potential as everything keeps moving. His narration shows him to be much smarter and more knowing about everything than the people around him get to see while he's peddling Russian sushi all day, and he's almost as strong as that crazy brute, Heiwajima, who looks hilariously like Graham from Gundam 00 at times. Also in Simon's favor is the fact that he is a giant black Russian guy in Japan. You don't drop a big black Russian man into Japan if you don't plan on making him memorable.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ep41
Fighting alongside the chimera would be pretty awesome, I think. You'd just walk into a room, and the villains would be all laughing and whatnot because they have you and your outfit vastly outnumbered ... and then your buddies morphed into hulking man-creatures and slaughtered the whole lot of them. That would never, ever get old. Heinkel is my favorite of the chimera. You just can't beat a man-lion.

Hanamaru Kindergarten ep3
Another cute, funny episode, although a couple of times it skirts the line of, "OK, that's just creepy." Hiiragi gets more awesome each episode, though. Her lesson about love triangles is amusing, and her flip into kid mode when Yamamoto compliments her on her Panda-Cat outfit is way too cute. (There's also a funny joke with Hiiragi having a bit too fun inflating something.) However, my favorite part of the episode is that Tsuchida now has his own official crew of kindergarten boys with whom he can talk games and from whom he can receive pep talks. Tsuchida probably would have made it to the good ending with Yamamoto in the first episode if he had gone to college with those kids.

Katanagatari ep1
Really talky first episode (not that I expected any different) but still enjoyable and interesting, although I'll admit to zoning out a bit near the end before the big battle to end the episode. This episode does build a solid base for the rest of the series -- each episode will be about Shichika and Togame getting another sword, I gather, and Togame trying to get some sort of vengeance for her disgraced family. The relationship between Togame and Shichika should be interesting, since she is basically swallowing her pride by asking him to help her, because Shichika and Togame's family are natural enemies, although that fact doesn't really matter much to Shichika, who barely reacts at all when told about Togame's background and circumstances. I'm interested in what the other villains will be like throughout the series -- Koumori is the talkiest damn ninja I have ever heard, haha. I guess when your cover is blown, it doesn't really matter how much you speak.

Anyway, yeah, good foundation for the rest of the series, and I hope the next one (which won't come out for another month) takes a good leap forward.

Kemono no Souja Erin eps 48-49
Haha, that a-hole Damiya certainly had me fooled for a bit, although I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop during the middle of ep49, since the victory seemed WAY too easy. I thought Shunan might get arrowed by one of the fake Saigamul; however, Nugan betraying Shunan and siding with Damiya -- while also readying a spare Touda army as a Plan B just in case things went wrong -- is a good twist. Now Erin is forced into the one act she swore she would not do again: Using Lilan as a tool of battle. I hoped Erin would be able to find a way to solve everything without violence, but the war seems inevitable now. Will everything be resolved to a decent extent in the next episode, though? I mean, it's just one episode remaining to close the book on this giant battle that has started (which has also claimed the life of the Grand Duke, no less). Hopefully Shunan doesn't die. He has become a bit of a prick as he has leaned toward more pragmatic ways of eliminating the distortion in the kingdom, but he has the best interests of the world at heart.

This also makes me want to see the other two Erin novels animated some day. I heard they are really depressing, but I don't care; it would be a crime to not have more Erin available.

Kimi ni Todoke ep16
lol Recap episode. Pin has imaginary drunken old men living in his apartment. Very bizarre.

Nodame Cantabile Finale ep2
This episode is where it hit me that Nodame is going to end this season. There's just that feeling in the air that the characters are moving on to the end and that their issues are almost resolved; Rui is really the only person who has not worked things out to a reasonable extent, even though Chiaki, Nodame, etc. all have unfinished business.

Ookamikakushi ep3
Izumi's brother is popping pills, huffing clothes and making uncomfortable sexual advances. I think Ryukishi07 has seen Blue Velvet a few too many times. If I were certain that the storyline will pick up and eventually be awesome, I would say that Ookamikakushi's decision to be half boring and half interesting each episode is a bold choice, but I'm not, so it isn't. At least the ratio favors interesting a bit more each week, with Nemuru's suspicious doctor uncle and Issei not doing gay men any favors by creepily lusting after Hiro. ALSO, TANG IS EVIL.

Planetes eps 23-26
The only thing for me that was really missing for Planetes was that emotional high all the best series deliver, but these four episodes have that in spades. What really surprises me is that it is not how Hachimaki and Ai's story turns out that got me most emotional (though that is certainly fantastic), or even Claire's story (though that is also good), but instead Hakim's story. Of all the characters, he is the most tragic figure in Planetes, simultaneously dreaming of a great future for his country but also unable to reach beyond the Earth of the past, where borders and available opportunities for countries dominate the world. Planetes ends on a mostly happy note; however, Hakim's conversation with Nono, where he initially plans another terrorist attack on the moon but relents at the last second after Nono talks about how she can't see individual countries from the moon (recalling the El Tanikan engineer's words from earlier in the series), is the most bittersweet moment of the series. Hakim almost kills himself on the front lines for the Space Defense Force, but his country is screwed over when the SDF successfully negotiates for terms that benefit most, but not all, countries in the world. Nono's words, though, make him realize how pointless his terrorism has been all along. Hakim himself may have deserved some retribution for the attempted murder of thousands (or millions, can't remember how many live on the moon hospital), but his people certainly don't deserve to continue living in poverty. I like that Planetes has the balls not to pretend that even though Hachimaki and Ai end up happy, all the world's problems are solved.

But, yeah, Hachimaki and Ai's story does end on a pretty great note, haha. The whole beginning of ep25 is so painful in that it refuses to resolve the two biggest cliffhangers of the previous episode (whether Hachimaki kills Hakim, and whether Ai used Claire's oxygen). I was squirming in my seat the whole time, even though I was sure Hachimaki didn't kill Hakim and that Ai would never purposefully kill someone, even if it meant she would die instead. But Planetes isn't afraid to put both through the wringer for sticking with their guns (so to speak): Ai briefly loses the use of her legs after going without oxygen for a few minutes in space, and Hachimaki actually pulls the trigger against Hakim but doesn't kill him since the gun is out of ammunition. The fact that his obsession drives him to the point where he would actually kill a man in cold blood without a second thought leaves Hachimaki severely screwed up until he is able to piece his life back together during an R&R trip to Earth with his pops. I do like Hachimaki's realization about how everything is connected in space, because it again recalls the words of the El Tanikan who could not see borders in space. El Tanika is the most important country ever.

My heart just about tore in two when I saw Ai in that wheelchair (although in that moment I also immediately knew that she had not taken any of Claire's oxygen). She's still true to her spirit, working hard to regain what she had before, but nonetheless she is still lost herself because Hachimaki's hostility toward her is the biggest challenge to her belief that love can redeem all has faced. Ai believes Hachimaki hates her for hiding the truth about Gigalt, she can't continue her job with Debris Section and she's just confused about everything in general after escaping with Claire on the moon. I would be kind of miffed at the implication that Ai needed Hachimaki to move on with her life if he didn't need her just as much (if not more). So at least Planetes doesn't turn dumb at the end and ruin a great moment by turning Ai into a lovesick idiot.

(Also, the ending heavily implies that Ai becomes pregnant before Hachimaki leaves on the Von Braun, right? She looks bigger, but not so much that you can conclusively say for sure she is pregnant, and there is also Hachimaki's mom messing with the baby clothes drying outside.)

Planetes is pretty much the best series I have ever seen from Sunrise. I have Cowboy Bebop higher up on my personal favorites list, but that is mainly because it means a great deal to me. As a whole, Planetes is better. I have to thank Miss A for pushing me so much to see it!

Shin Mazinger Z eps 1-7
I mentioned this anime last week during my Giant Robo post, but here are the details again: It's a reimagining (written and directed by Giant Robo/G Gundam director Yasuhiro Imagawa) of Mazinger Z, a seminal mecha manga (and later anime) written by Go Nagai. The basic premise is that Kouji Kabuto, who is pretty much the hot-blooded teen mecha pilot, is given the titular Mazinger Z -- a nearly invincible super robot -- by his scientist grandfater, Juuzo Kabuto, to combat the evil Dr. Hell, who has grand plans of world domination by using mechanical beasts he excavated from an ancient Greek burial site. But beneath this basic good vs. evil setup apparently lay plans that stretch back for millennia as the happenings in ancient Mycenae apparently have quite the bearing on what is unfolding in current times.

Like Giant Robo, Shin Mazinger Z has a layer of nostalgia and homage painted over with modern storytelling. I've been assured by everyone I know who has seen this series that the plot is a genuinely great, wild ride with lots of twists and excellent character development as the mysteries of the past crash head on with the plots of the present. But while the first seven episodes mainly offer a basic peek at the epic scope of the series, they make up for that by serving up a boatload of crazy. The infamous first episode, which apparently turned quite a few people off on the series, throws the viewer headlong into the finale with big moves, plot points that probably won't mean much until way later in the series and a standoff with Dr. Hell and Kouji surrounded by volcanoes. Basically, imagine if Gurren Lagann's first episode was part of Team Dai Gurren and the Anti-Spirals' final battle (instead of just showing an older Simon leading the charge in space), and in the next episode the show reverted all the way back to the beginning of the story. I can see why it might have pissed people off, but damn if it doesn't grab your attention. The fights are also fun in that flashy super robot way, although Shin Mazinger Z was made on the cheap, so it doesn't always look incredible.

Even if there weren't huge fights and explosions out the asshole, Shin Mazinger Z's first few episodes would still be pretty crazy. If there was one thing Go Nagai could do well, apparently, it was create fucking crazy villains. Dr. Hell starts off before the series as a Dr. Wily type, but when the events of Shin Mazinger Z begin, he is barely even human -- basically, think Saruman if he were a biochemist instead of a wizard. And Dr. Hell isn't the nuttiest villain by a longshot. There's also Dr. Hell's right-hand, er, thing, Baron Ashura, who is half man and half woman and who can speak with two different voices, and who also holds a major, major grudge. But my favorite villain is the absolutely bonkers Count Brocken, who is basically a Nazi (not really stated directly, but come on, he's a fucking Nazi) who carries his head around in his arms, and he might be some kind of zombie or cyborg or something. WTF? I wish I could think up a villain that awesome.

Speaking of awesome characters, my heart has already been stolen by Tsubasa Nishikiori, an amazingly badass woman who seems to have a hand in many things that are happening right now, and who seems to have a batcrap crazy backstory (ep7 ends with the revelation of her surprising relationship with one of the characters). She's clever, doesn't take shit from anyone and can beat the living crap out of Baron Ashura, who, even though he is kind of a doofus, was still able to hold his own with Mazinger Z (on his own btw) when he fought Kouji in the first few episodes. Plus, she leads her own band of kickass fighters, which includes a bomberman, a ninja, a guy dressed like a Mexican cowboy who also has a six-shooter and a man with a cross on his face that would make Kenshin cry like a little girl.

Did I also mention that there are gods in the series, including FUCKING ZEUS?? That's right: Shin Mazinger Z is so awesome that Zeus himself had to get in on this action. They haven't done too much yet aside from beat the holy hell out of things in the craziness of the first episode and be a part of a cool flashback a couple of episodes later, but when a story has the gods themselves getting involved in things, then you know shit is going to go down. I absolutely cannot wait for this.

eps 8-13
The next episode, I think, is the one where the story will be turned upside down. (Although ep13 ends with a pretty major twist: Tsubasa is Shiro's -- and possibly Kouji's -- mom?! Hubba wha?! She really does have her hand in everything!) This set of episodes deals with Baron Ashura trying to make up for his/her/its failures in the previous episodes by cobbling together a scheme to get Mazinger Z from Kouji and deliver it to Dr. Hell. His plan almost works, too, but he is outschemed by Tsubasa. I actually feel kind of bad for Baron Ashura in this arc. He's a total prick, for sure, but he's so earnest and eager to please Dr. Hell. He's like a villainous puppy. I actually almost booed Count Brocken because he treated Baron Ashura like dirt lol. The truth behind Baron Ashura's "birth" also earns the guy/gal/thing some sympathy points. And also some creepy points. But he gets those back during a HILARIOUS sequence where he attempts to fly Mazinger Z.

This is also the arc where Kouji learns that teamwork is awesome and that he shouldn't think he is hot shit just because he has an invincible giant robot. Humility, Kouji! Humility! (I can't blame him for wanting to work completely on his own, though -- his teammates kind of suck. What the hell do they do to actually help him?? They just get him the Jet Scrander, and that's it. They're like a glorified courier service. And don't get me started on how much Aphrodite A sucks. If Tsubasa didn't kick so much ass, I might think this series is a bit sexist. But Sayaka just sucks.) Now, the Kurogane Five, that's a team Kouji should be honored to fight alongside. They all rule. They're so awesome, in fact, that they don't even need giant robots; they're destructive enough all on their own. Guess you have to be destructive to earn Tsubasa's respect.

One last thing: I wouldn't mind if Satsuki Yukino just voiced robots, androids and cyborgs the rest of her career. Her mechanical voice is kind of hot. Maybe it's the implied danger. Who knows.

Sora no Woto ep4
Not quite as good as the previous episode, but I still like it. I guess these first few episodes are Kanata hanging out with each member of the outfit in turn, with perhaps Phylicia getting her turn with Kanata in the episode. Anyway, the overall story in this episode is nice (Kanata connects with Noel a bit and helps to bring her a bit more out of her shell, while Kanata understands her music a bit more and Noel gets another key part for the tank due to Kanata's ear for music), but just as interesting are the little details that develop this world a bit more. As should be expected, not everyone likes the military; in fact, there is an orphaned kid in town who hates the military. This town seems far removed from any sort of war, but that brings the conflict a bit closer to everyone.

Whatever is involved with the conflict may have devastated the seas, as well, or at least rendered a good number of sea creatures extinct (such as the dolphins mentioned in this episode). Could it be nuclear fallout of some kind? Or maybe something else, since the rest of the land doesn't look too bad. Also, is the war still raging to a large extent, or are both sides in the waning days of the conflict, with one side starting to fall a bit more by the day? What is everyone fighting for -- particularly the army these girls represent? I continue to wonder how far removed the technology of the tank is from this age. It's old enough to be completely incomprehensible to everyone in this town (except Noel, that is). Interesting that it is from the past, and yet people such as the glass blower refer to the technology as "magic", which could be code for "I have no idea how the hell it works", or it may be a hint that there is much, much more to the tank than it being an impressive piece of technology.

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun ep16
Probably should have done this a while ago, but I finally dropped this series. There's not enough action or (good) humor or enough done with the characters to justify the nearly uniformly bad, cliche plots. I just about fell asleep during this episode and was actively pining for To Aru Majutsu no Index by the end, which is pretty freakin' bad.
