Ben Linus is moe as hell.

The week after a Sayid episode, we get a Ben episode. The Lost writers are really trying to make up for that travesty of a Kate episode a few weeks back. And, frankly, I am glad they are trying. Let's get to it!

-- I'm pretty sure Ben knows how people look when they're dead.
-- LOL Ben has teacher hair.
-- That principal is what would happen if Ted from Scrubs became a principal.
-- Awww. Teacher!Ben is so moe. Is Key writing this episode? Soon we'll get Sad Ben in Snow.
-- Haha, of course he's here. Does someone have a bomb?
-- lol Locke and Ben are a Dream Team off the island.
-- That was the worst lie Ben has ever told in his life.
-- "... Awkward."
-- So I guess Ben won't be convening History Club on the island.
-- "How about you not kill Jacob? OH WAIT"
-- I was hoping that would be a Hot Pocket.
-- So is this is a reality where Ben's dad cares about him?
-- Oh wow. This is pretty huge -- people who are off the island actually know about the island.
-- Is Rousseau still on the island? How is Alex off the island?? HURT
-- "I didn't sign up for this election."
-- "Was Jacob a Republican or a Democrat?"
-- When a former higher up of the Others randomly comes out of the jungle and tells you to follow him to a temple, you just gotta do it.
-- "I'm going to buy and sell the HELL out of that guy when we get off the island."
-- Well, this is a bit overdue, but OK.
-- If she kills Ben, I riot.
-- Seriously, this is not how Ben should go.
-- I feel conflicted. Ben is a murderer and clearly deserves to die, but I'd rather Ilana bite it. She's much less entertaining than Ben.
-- "She can't shoot near enough people to keep our apartment."
-- "You're smart, and your life sucks, Mr. Linus."
-- "He likes ... photographs. *wink wink, nudge nudge*"
-- "That's unsanitary!"
-- "I definitely will not use this information as a means to grab power at the school."
-- "Hey, a contract written on a banana leaf is just as legally binding as a contract written on college-ruled paper."
-- LOL Jabonies. Close enough to The Rock's catchphrase.
-- The Black Rock might be a nice cruise liner one day.
-- Why does every cool character want to die, or is under duress to die?
-- Arzt is such a loser.
-- "Oh, Leslie, you're such a flatterer."
-- That is ... DY-NO-MITE
-- Haha, Arzt is all over this episode.
-- Poor Alpert has Michael Syndrome.
-- "I can't tell you much; this isn't my episode."
-- "... So, what do you want to talk about?"
-- Jacob is a pedophile.
-- Faithful!Jack is kind of creepy ...
-- Does the grave really need to be that deep? Ben's digging a grave for himself, not for Hurley.
-- Aww. Ben x Island OTP
-- Well, that couldn't have turned out any shittier than it just did.
-- Also, that is a primitive ass computer the principal is running. Pretty sure technology wasn't that shitty in 2004.
-- Ben moe running so high right now. Ugh.
-- Seriously, he is like an adorable island puppy.
-- lol What a mean -- though obvious -- fake-out. :p
-- At least he has History Club.
-- "Shiny new gun for you."
-- "The evil side of the tarp."
-- "Hi ... everyone ..."
-- Once again. Ben = moe to the max.
-- OH SNAP WIDMORE. Shit's f'real now.

Man, the Ben in this episode would take Saimoe by a longshot. Taiga has nothing on that powerhouse of moe. Joking aside, I just about teared up during Ben's talk with Ilana. Ben's done some horrible shit, but he really has suffered as much as anyone on the island -- poor guy just needed someone to believe in him the whole time. His off island shenanigans show that while Ben obviously has the power to do quite cruel things, ultimately, if given the choice, he will do good. That's not an especially flattering assessment of a man's character -- "Oh, he'll do good if he has to choose!" -- but there you go.

But, yeah, things are indeed getting real now, with Widmore finally finding his way to the island. I guess he wasn't cool with waiting for his crew to get things moving. Evil Locke has the momentum on his side right now, but maybe Widmore will be able to introduce some sort of unknown element to the mix.

Speaking of unknown elements, WHERE THE HELL IS DESMOND????? Damn it, Lost, you are sending me into Desmond Withdrawal. Moe!Ben helps, but it is just not enough -- I neeeeeeeeeeeeed Desmond. I love Penny and all, but she shouldn't hog him. Come on. Throw the fans a bone, please!!

EDIT: And just so that I give credit where credit is due, Jack's scene with Richard Alpert is awesome. Best thing Jack has done in lord knows how long.
