Desmond is a slick man.

Desmond episodes are always magic. I am ready for anything tonight. Let's get it on!

-- Desmond sure gets dragged around a lot.
-- There are so many swear words swimming through Desmond's mind right now.
-- The shot from Ben? This timeline is all screwed up.
-- Desmond took that piece of news about as well as could be expected.
-- Is "that" test sort of like "that" jutsu, or "that" special maneuver?
-- Time for some geophysical magic.
-- Rabbit: "OH, THAT'S JUST GREAT"
-- Didn't he read Watchmen, or at least see the movie? Here comes Dr. Manhattan!
-- "Wait, you mean it was a bad thing to flip that switch without checking to see if it was OK??"
-- That's probably not the first thing they wanted Desmond to see when being dragged down there.
-- "You can take him out. Give him a nice meal, maybe see a movie."
-- I totally forgot Faraday was Widmore's son, too. My memory = crap.
-- This is why the Lost writers don't explain anything: Widmore sounded completely insane just now.
-- This is quite frightening.
-- Desmond = Billy Pilgrim.
-- "Thanks. My baby's in that bag."
-- "No, I've got a horrible fugitive to meet."
-- ... Is this guy hitting on Desmond?
-- Oh snap. Does Desmond work for Widmore?
-- Well, this is just weird to see.
-- Haha, is Faraday still Widmore's kid? Or is it someone else?
-- lol Oh, Charlie. Still getting into trouble.
-- This time Desmond gets the good scotch.
-- "I'm going to get some drugs."
-- Charlie, drinking -- such a tough guy.
-- More of these crazy flashes into the other world. Also, Charlie has a pregnant woman fetish.
-- That song still sucks.
-- wtf Charlie why are you trying to kill Desmond??
-- LOL I see what they're doing here.
-- "Haha, you totally got my reference, didn't you, Desmond?"
-- Charlie's insurance company is getting billed for this, right?
-- Desmond has bad luck this episode.
-- "... How can you be not sure that you haven't seen a hallucination?"
-- Desmond is so alone.
-- This world definitely needs moar Penny.
-- "Put some clothes on first!"
-- "Do you like my shitty hair?"
-- "Why do you want to see my sexy hands?"
-- "OK, first I should look on the ground for anything shiny ..."
-- "... So, I can't have any more scotch later today?"
-- ... Desmond is in for a massive bitching. Good luck.
-- Huh. She looked like she recognized Desmond.
-- "Don't worry. My son is a retard. He won't know the difference."
-- She's forgiving him because he's Desmond. Booyah.
-- Man, she's cockblocking even in the other world. Damn.
-- "Uh, I can't do it with your husband's approval."
-- "Save some of that alcohol for me, though."
-- This background music sounds like a lullaby that can't quite get started.
-- It's weird to see Faraday as someone who isn't a crazy physicist.
-- "I think I would have heard about something like a nuclear bomb going off."
-- "Love in your pants."
-- So, wait, who was Widmore screwing around with?
-- Oh snap. Penny is Desmond.
-- "I saw you on Facebook."
-- Desmond is ready to kick some ass and take some names.
-- "... Well, then."
-- Desmond's in the know now. What's he planning??
-- omg penny is so cute
-- And then Widmore's wife comes in, "I FORBID THIS WEDDING BECAUSE YOU'LL FUCK UP TIME"
-- Desmond is going to be awesome in both worlds. Eh? Eh??

Hm, I'm of two minds about this episode. Stuff actually happens in the sideways story that has actual bearing on the main story, but at the same time, I came out of this episode more confused than I was going in. I gather that there is some sort of world split, and that Desmond is the key to getting everything together again, but that's it. But Desmond's shift in demeanor at the end of the episode suggests that he is ready to get things going on his own. I wonder if he knows what he is doing in following Sayid; Desmond wouldn't be aware of what is going on, island-wise, of course, and he doesn't exactly trust Widmore -- certainly not to the extent he would trust Sayid. Then again, he could easily know much more than he is letting on. We'll see, I guess.

The actual story itself is all right; I was kind of disappointed, since I expected something grander, akin to Desmond's other episodes, but hey. I did like the further connections and shout-outs to the "real" reality, and the continuation of everyone running into each other in this world (although there is still no explanation as to why the hell Desmond seemed to disappear on the flight). Is it just me, or was Charlie annoying as fuck in this episode? I wanted to punch him in his smug fucking face. Penny being absolutely adorable at the end of the episode made up for that though.

Looking forward to -- hopefully -- seeing more of Desmond showing up in other people's episodes. He's a man on a mission!

EDIT: Something really interesting pointed out to me: When Desmond is on the plane in the first episode of the season, he has a wedding ring. However, Desmond in this episode obviously isn't married. That would indicate, I think, that Desmond isn't just experiencing the events in the sideways world; rather, he is a wholly different Desmond sent to this sideways world. So does Widmore know this place exists? Was his true purpose in exposing Desmond to this electromagnetic event to send Desmond to the sideways world?
