My search for more soccer is going pretty well. Plenty of options for people with DirecTV! Think I'll wait and watch a bunch of games before diving in with a Premier League team, though ... there's only so much you can get from reading up on 'em and asking opinions, after all. :p
Anyway, with that out of the way ...
The Centered and Underlined Title to My Post with 27 Random Facts
1. The first movie I remember seeing in a theater is Beauty and the Beast.
2. My family saw The Lion King in theaters so much that my sister and I memorized the movie word-for-word (songs and all) and would act the movie out together every so often.
3. Nowadays I am lucky if I remember a few particularly quotable lines from movies; in fact, I often have to go to IMDb to seek out quotes to use as titles for my movie posts. My memory went way downhill.
4. I absolutely need to have music playing while I'm driving. If the car is silent, then the mood is weird and creepy and I get nervous on the road.
5. I'm a really slow reader, at least when it comes to fiction. If I read quickly, I forget everything.
6. I've listened to "Days" (from Eureka Seven) maybe twice since I memorized the song for Anime Expo last year (even though I never ended up singing it :(), and yet I still have it memorized. Even the Japanese rap. I can't pronounce it, but I know it.
7. I always feel out of the loop during the Olympics because my nationalism only comes to a point. I need to enjoy watching a sport to root for America during it. Like, America in the World Cup? Hell yeah, I can get behind that. Michael Phelps winning a bunch of gold medals for swimming? Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Impressive feat, but I'd rather watch a million other things.
8. I have this music from Super Mario 64 stuck in my head right now. what
9. Not gonna lie: I'm kind of sad that work clashes with Dragon Ball Kai on Nickelodeon. (Also, I'm too lazy to set my DVR.)
10. I know more way more about Japanese pro wrestling than any sane person needs to know.
11. On that note, I think Japanese pro wrestling announcers are the funniest people in the world. They're so excitable. I wish I had one to announce every important moment in my life.
12. Although I haven't been playing 'em as much lately, I have been playing video games for nearly 21 years. Yes, my fandom is nearly legal.
13. Super Mario Bros. is the first game I remember playing, but the first game I remember being truly hooked on is Super Mario Bros. 3. I would get up at 4 a.m. to play that. :X
14. Birds make me laugh. Always have, always will. Funniest bird to me is the chicken, with pigeons a close second.
15. I have a small scar above my right eyebrow; the placement of it corresponds almost perfectly with a scar I have on the back of my head.
16. I played tennis in high school, although my most athletic moment was spraining my left ankle during practice, after which I dove right back into practice after getting the ankle bandaged the next day. (By the way, I don't recommend doing this, because a huge bruise developed on my ankle after that. The lesson, as always: I'm an idiot.)
17. My first job was as a dishwasher for a hospital cafeteria my dad managed.
18. I'm afraid of heights, and yet I have no trouble riding in airplanes; I did get the shit scared out of me during a bit of turbulence on one flight, though.
19. By my count, I've met 11 of you lovely people from theO/OtakuBoards network ... and, like, maybe three or four of them are around regularly anymore. Sigh. :(
20. I at least chuckle whenever I type "lol". Always. Even if I'm just snickering at a thought of my own, which just makes me seem like an a-hole.
21. I rarely watch anime at night these days because it is really easy for me to fall asleep while watching anime at night, and I have fallen asleep at the computer in the past.
22. I got my first library card in second grade, although I cannot remember the first book I checked out.
23. I was way more sad than I should have been when a 3-point shooting contest I entered in college was canceled.
24. For some reason, I remember the exact time I would leave for elementary school each morning -- 7:40 a.m., on the dot. Never got to watch more than a third of each Sailor Moon episode in the morning. :(
25. But I still have the English dub OP memorized.
26. I have an undying love for horror movies; mostly, I like the energy that goes into them and how they get people to accept the most ridiculous concepts imaginable.
27. One day I would like to make a really terrible horror flick, just because it seems as if it would be a lot of fun to create.