First off, don't forget to vote for next week's movie! That is, of course, unless you all want to watch Army of Darkness that much. :p
Anyway, it has been brought up a few times before that we should marathon the original Star Wars trilogy and not that crappy prequel trilogy that definitely never happened, so I don't know why I added that extended padding to this sentence. So I've finally decided to stop being lazy and organize something!
I have next Friday (as in, Nov. 19) off, which I hope will be a good day for people. But, of course, there's school and the D&D group later in the evening. I would do this on a weekend, but I very rarely get those off (and vacation requests are pretty much locked down for November and December here), and if we did it on one of my work days, I'd probably have to leave in the middle of Return of the Jedi or something. But I'll try to come up with something that works for as many people as possible.
For now, though, tentative plans on the 19th. Des wants in, but he works from 6-9 p.m. (California time, of course :p), so we'd need to finish before then. (I think that's around the time of the D&D group, anyway, so that would be a requirement regardless.) I'm not totally sure, but I think my family might be seeing the Harry Potter flick that day, too. The earliest we'd leave is around 3 p.m. my time because that's when my sister normally gets back from school. I'd like to watch all of the movies, of course, but if I need to leave during Return of the Jedi to accommodate as many as possible who also want to get in on this, then I'm fine taking one for the team. Not like I haven't already seen this trilogy plenty of times by now, anyway. Plus, Return of the Jedi is kind of secretly lame, anyway. :X
I estimate it'll take us about six-and-a-half hours to run through them all, accounting for breaks and whatnot. I'm an early riser, so I'll have no trouble starting early for the east coasters -- I was thinking of between 9-10 a.m. my time (so 12-1 p.m. for everyone on the other side of the States). That sound good to everyone? Throw out times, concerns, what works for you and what doesn't, whatever.
And just as with the weekly movie meetings, I'll of course provide the trilogy on MegaUpload, though I can't imagine that any decently-sized public library (or college library! Nerds love this, as you know) doesn't have at least one copy of the trilogy on DVD. (Whether they're actually available to check out might be a different story ... :p)
Let's have some fun with this!