Beardwatch: Week I

Operation: Beardwatch officially begins today. I had been growing one for a few days when I posted before, but I suddenly realized that I didn't want my friend Ashley's last memory of me for a while to involve a crazy hobo beard, so I shaved it. (Clarifying note: I spent this weekend down in Carlsbad, which is in the northern part of San Diego County, at a goodbye party thrown by Ashley's family. She'll be attending Syracuse for graduate school. It's a one-year program, but knowing her, she'll probably want to stay for longer than that, so my quarter-beard would have stayed with her for a while lol.)

I'll be offering weekly picture updates to show my progress. Feel free to make fun, because I know I will lol. At the end, I will put together a photo essay kind of thing so that people can see it in pseudo real time, haha. (Side note: Does anyone here have a Facebook account? I'll probably put all these photos on there. Here's my profile in case anybody feels like friending me or whatever. I like friends!)

These pictures are me with about two days of growth. I shaved around my chin this morning because I suddenly realized it would look weird with that hair and my other facial hair growing at wildly different rates.

A view from the front
The left side
The right side

As you can see, nothing too impressive yet. But I shall persevere! My beard shall grow, and it shall grow well!!
