The greatest video game ever.

Don't know if anyone noticed or cared, but I didn't write a movie post this week because I watched just one movie last week. This Tuesday I'll update with about six movies or so.

Anyway! I mentioned in the past that I've been going through the Let's Play archive. Just now I finished an LP for one of the weirder games I've seen in my life: Wirehead.

Wirehead is one of those FMV games that was all the rage when the Sega CD was in its heyday (think Night Trap and its ilk). The game is about a dumpy everyman, Ned Hubbard, who has a wireless controller implanted into his brain following an accident. (This is the conceit behind the video game player controlling Ned's movements.) Bad guys want that device, so they chase Ned out of his home and through a variety of bizarre situations.

The game does not seem at all fun to play: Progress is basically a crapshoot, because most of the paths that can be chosen will lead to Ned getting captured and/or dying. Heavy memorization is necessary to make one's way through the game. However, Wirehead is definitely fun to watch, because the story is batshit crazy. I never, ever guessed where the story was going at any point, since it seemed like it was being made up as it went along. I'd throw out examples of what happens, but I think it's better left as a surprise.

The LP is not long at all; altogether, the main route adds up to about 45-50 minutes, and the compilation videos of all the spectacular failures that come up when the wrong route is chosen are about the same length. And those should be watched, too, by the way, because some of the failures must be seen to be believed.
