I Need to Waste Time

I like the places I usually go to on the Internet, but I visit them day after day and they sometimes get stagnant and boring (never this place though!). Some freshness needs to be injected into my daily Internet routine.

You guys and gals can help me out. Link me to some of your go-to time-wasting Web sites, whether they're forums, or humor sites, or information sites, or what the hell ever. Any subject works for me -- anime, TV, literature, random shit, disgusting pornography. Just throw anything out, even if you're not sure I'll like it. I am desperate here lol. Also lazy.

EDIT: Also, come to the chat around 6:30 p.m. to participate in the test run of a MST3K-watching session! The episode is "Pod People," which is an excellent Joel episode -- lots of funny jokes and my favorite host segment ever. Fun for the entire family!
