My New Favorite theO Member

nimeGanja2 joined the room.

Shinmaru Hey, more people.

AnimeGanja2: whoa never knew this was here

pomegranate: Yeah o_o;;

Shinmaru AnimeGanja, haha

Shinmaru What an amusing name.

master hiko left the room. (Logged out)

AnimeGanja2: couldnt come up with anything else

master hiko joined the room.

AnimeGanja2: So what is up ppl

pomegranate: Isn't Ganja like some city in the Middle Easts?

pomegranate: *East ;;

AnimeGanja2: idk, always thought it was weed :3

Shinmaru haha


Chat is soooooooo empty right now. Did everyone get a life and not tell me??
