The Shogun Just Stayed Inside His Castle, and He Never Came Out

Thanks to some gentle prodding from Fasteriskhead, I have listened to Liquid Swords by GZA about three or four times tonight. Always been meaning to get more into hip-hop -- what better way to start than by listening to one of the classics? Great album. Don't know how anyone could listen to this and be like, "But rap isn't music at all!!!!!" I also need to find Enter the Wu-Tang Clan. Hmm.

Also, TV Tropes is consuming my soul. I have spent the better part of three days reading random stuff, and I have barely made a dent on the site -- for God's sake, I've just been sticking to the "Characters" section! I haven't gone anywhere else! It is going to take me forever to go through this whole site! I love exclamation points, those sexy, sexy punctuation marks!

Thank you, sir SomeGuy. Thank you very much. :)

(BTW -- my favorite trope so far is the Crowning Moment of Awesome. It is my goal to have at least one of these during my life.)

EDIT: Should probably also mention I have my brother and sister totally addicted to this now. >>;;;

EDIT2: I must have been really tired last night, because I linked to The Office PSA Announcements instead of Fasteriskhead's world. How the hell did that happen??

Oh well. You should all watch those PSAs -- they're hilarious.

"I accidentally saw The Fugitive again on cable this weekend. That is ... a really good movie. It's, like, really, really, really good."
