I Suppose You Have No Choice But to Revolutionize the World

I doubt chat has ever been greater than it was last night. Just hours of utter insanity. The Chatlogs of Doom can offer only but a taste of what went on. Wish I didn't get disconnected so much -- there was some gold people might not see (unless SomeGuy or Des or Korey or someone else saved bits people haven't posted yet).

Other great moments: Adam making everyone into mods again, leading to vicious paranoia as everyone desperately tried to make sure they weren't disconnected from the chat and subjected to the evil of the other temp mods; Ace somehow becoming a permanent mod and flaunting his power; excellent discussion of Des' final LttP videos (Armos Knights are teh sux, Agahnim = the Brooklyn Brawler of Zelda, etc.).

Good thing I have no school and no work until the afternoon, since I stayed up until 3 a.m. enjoying the insanity, haha. West Coast ftw.

TOPIC SHIFT. I am watching the 1960 version of The Little Shop of Horrors, and it is maybe the weirdest movie I have ever seen. A very young Jack Nicholson makes a short appearance and is really super creepy. MST3K would have had a field day with this movie.

MOAR TOPIC SHIFT. Finished the second arc in Utena yesterday. In probably any other series I would have thought of it as a total waste, especially considering where the series is going now, but I enjoyed it thoroughly and assume it will make more sense once the series is over (knowing Utena, though, it will make sense in the most bizarre way imaginable).

I am really looking forward to the next arc and am once again greatly amused at the humongous nuts this series has. If ep25 is any indication, Utena is going to fight all the Student Council members AGAIN. Only Utena could make absurd repetition so wonderful. Anything that gets me more Miki and (ESPECIALLY) Juri is cool with me.

EDIT: A random thing I think is funny -- the "do do do" piano cue for the random, two-second flashbacks you occasionally see in Utena sounds almost exactly like the "SHOCKING PLOT DEVELOPMENT~!/YOU FOUND SOMETHING" cue in Hotel Dusk: Room 215 for the DS.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll sit here and wonder why I bothered to notice this.

LAST TOPIC SHIFT. I'm still working on my Writers Bloc prompt response. Hopefully I will finish it tonight, but who knows. This story is proving difficult to write 1) because it's something outside my realm of experience (which isn't a bad thing at all) and 2) due to that, I am writing this story very delicately, which also means I am writing it very slowly, haha. Right now I am at a REALLY important exchange of dialogue between the two main characters, and I have been fretting forever about it lol. This part is the most ambiguous in my head, so it has been tough going.

EDIT2: Slow goings here at work, so I caught up on all the guestbook signatures I have so woefully let pile up. Hope they are, um, enjoyable. lol
