
Boy, I'm glad I don't have any friends, because then I wouldn't be able to do this.

(Come on, you know there was no way that post wasn't happening.)

Anyway ... unlike a lot of people, I don't have especially strong memories of Sept. 11, 2001. I remember seeing the attacks on TV, the horror on my parents' faces and then going to school -- and that's it. The rest of the day is nothing. Not a single memory. I don't know why.

When I think about that day and the aftermath of it, however, I think the biggest tragedy is that an act of such utter and brutal hatred has left so much hatred here in its wake (stronger anti-Muslim sentiment, stronger anti-Jew sentiment, increased fervor for war, etc.). As someone who grows closer to being a pacifist every day (a libertarian pacifist, hahaha, how's that for irony?), it is not pleasant to see war, violence and hatred continue to flourish. (The Russia/Georgia war just being the latest example of this.)

That's really all I have to say, except, you know, try to live your life and stand for the opposite of what all that hatred and brutality represents.

EDIT: Also, I wrote what I think is a pretty decent article on showing and telling in writing at the Writers Bloc. Plz read kthx. (The most fun part of that was thinking up the examples. Now I know how SomeGuy feels each week when thinking of sentences to go with the Wednesday Word.)
