Random Post of Randomness

There's nothing coherent binding these thoughts, but they are together nonetheless. Yay!

- We've got new sins, people! I don't especially disagree that these are bad behaviors; I just think it's funny that, out of the blue, we get an announcement about addendums to the sin list. Makes me wonder how exactly they go about that process. Is it like the Oxford English Dictionary, where they update it every year with new words like podcast and blog? The article says the updated sins come from a need to "fit a global word," but globalization didn't just pop out of nowhere. I demand a better response to this burning question.

- You know how late night talk show hosts send their geekiest writers to cover segments involving anything athletic or dangerous, and then they look silly and everyone has a nice laugh? That's kind of how I felt today. I interviewed the head coach of Cal Poly Pomona's tennis teams for a profile I'm doing on her for the first spring quarter issue of our newspaper, and after the interview, she offered to hit some tennis balls with me. And, man, did I get embarrassed. An exact quote: "Why are all the balls on your side, Michael?" God, I'm rusty.

- I had a bizarre dream last night. I was in some sort of warehouse-type store and had an intense compulsion to buy all the Peacemaker Kurogane DVDs and a bunch of figures and shit. I've never even watched the show. WTF, I say. It was like that episode of Futurama where all of Fry's dreams are advertisements. Has subliminal advertising already invaded the realm of our dreams? You decide. In the meantime, I'll keep my wallet nailed shut at night.
