Yes, my friends, it is actually possible for presidential candidates to have a bit of fun without seeming (mostly) contrived! And I have the proof!
Barack Obama and John McCain both spoke and roasted each other -- and other political figures -- during the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner yesterday evening. Insults and self-deprecating humor flew like pork barrel spending during election year in the U.S. House of Representatives. (Thank you, I'll be here all week!) Videos of this have appeared on YouTube: Barack Obama and John McCain.
(Random note -- I did not do this on purpose, but it is kind of funny that the Obama footage comes from MSNBC, while the McCain footage comes from Fox News. lolz)
Good times. For about 20 minutes I was able to forget that both the Democratic and Republican parties make me want to gouge my eyes out with a pair of rusty scissors. That kind of entertainment does not come around very often, let me tell you!
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get back to 20th Century Boys, which has blown my mind roughly 5,000 times since I began it, and I am not even halfway through at this point. I should have expected no less from the writer of Monster.
EDIT: OK, random spazzing that nobody except maybe Beck will read ... HOLY CRAP I TOTALLY KNEW FUKUBEI WAS "FRIEND." That bastard was uber suspicious to me from the moment he showed up -- I took his "death" with a grain of salt after Kenji casually referred to Fukubei's body after he fell from the roof, and there was nothing drawn to make it explicitly clear Fukubei died. After Sadakiyo was cleared, I knew it had to be Fukubei for sure, unless some random jerkass was going to be pulled out of nowhere (which would have been lame).
Anyway, I am on chapter 154 and counting ... I am hoping to be finished with everything by Sunday. :D