Last night I cobbled together a ginormous list of movie recommendations for Drift and Shishou, and I decided it should not languish on my hard drive for the rest of time (or at least until this computer inevitably conks out in a few years). For the curious, it will be on the next page, because I am not going to bombard you all with a list of that size if you do not want it. XD
(Actually, this will be an augmented version -- I'll add in movies I left off because I knew Drift and Shishou had already seen them.)
In other news, I am STILL waiting for my damn internship report to be graded. I was told the head of the communication department usually waits until the eighth week of the quarter to start on them (because that's the deadline for them), and it is now the beginning of the ninth week, so hopefully mine will be graded soon, and I will know I am getting my degree.
Aside from that, moar Gundam 00 tonight on the SciFi Channel, and I will plow through a ton more Honey and Clover today -- planning on finishing the first season by tomorrow at the latest, and then I'll move on to the special and the second season. Hooray! I would like to thank Michi for mentioning the show a crapload in Chat and getting me interested in it. :P
To spread the awesomeness, I offer the OP for Honey and Clover's first season -- "Dramatic" by YUKI (well, this is the song, and not the actual OP itself, but whatever):
I am friggin' addicted to this song.