Had a blah day yesterday, which kind of stinks because I was looking forward to it so much. =/
School started up at Cal Poly Pomona yesterday, so I went in to pick up my internship report and catch up with a few friends I had not seen since I turned in my report in September. I picked up my report and flipped to the back for comments ... I don't know exactly what I expected, but it was something more than, "Approved." If you spent six days writing something, you would expect a little more than that, wouldn't you? That just reinforced what a total waste of time that report was to me.
After that I went to the office of the Poly Post, only to find nobody was in. Not a big deal -- it was still relatively early in the morning, so I went to check out the expanded library. (An expansion, I might add, that kept getting pushed back until I finally could not benefit from it. Thanks, Cal Poly!) The computers were all taken, so I spent my time reading Lolita. I guess that was one good thing about yesterday -- I got a lot of reading done.
Around noon I went back to the Post to find one person -- the guy who replaced me as sports editor -- there. I talked with him a bit, but I honestly do not know him that well, so we didn't have much to say to each other lol. I stayed around the office for a few hours, but just a few others showed up, and the only one I was good friends with was the guy who became photo editor this year. He's a cool guy, though: He's one of those people who seems as if he is moving in a thousand directions at once; I don't think I have seen him still for more than a few seconds at a time, haha. I have no idea how he finds time to take photos for the newspaper and rummage through all the other photos, because he's also a graduate student and teaches biology labs at Cal Poly. If I tried to do that, I would probably explode.
Seeing him again was nice, but there were a lot of other people I wanted to catch up with who weren't around. TV Tropes kept me reasonably entertained until it was glaringly obvious that nobody else was coming to the office, after which I left. That really bummed me out, but oh well. =/
Then I went to take the bus home -- instead of the bus I normally take, I opted to ride one that drops off close to a fast food place I like that is also near my home. However, I got to the usual stop at Cal Poly, and learned that the bus is taking some bizarre detour until February or something, and that the new stop was about three blocks away. Not much more than an annoyance, mind, but I was in a bad mood at that point, so it pissed me off more than it should have, haha. The good about that is that my sister has to take that bus home on Thursday, so I was able to tell her about the detour before she found out the hard way.
After that, though, my day was just fine -- had a good burger and fries; found releases for White Album, Maria Holic and Minami-ke Okaeri (there is also one for Marimite 4th, but the file size has me wary about the quality, so I am going to wait for a better one to come out); and there were two good Gundam 00 episodes on SciFi. Ep13 had Graham owning Setsuna, Hong Long beating up some fools, Lockon showing off his l33t sniping skillz and the moment at the end where my opinion of Setsuna started turning around. And ep14 had the debut of KATI~ <3 and I like her English VA so far, although she had just a couple of lines (Kati walloping Patrick is a good enough debut though).
And, of course, there was the meeting regarding Kei's news site, to which I am excited to make some contribution. She actually asked if I'd be willing to restart my old Shinmaru vs. The World bit for the site, and after combing through my myOtaku archives, I remembered how much fun I had doing those, so I readily agreed to it. (For those who don't know -- probably a good deal of you lol -- Shinmaru vs. The World was a weekly thing where I took goofy news articles and made snarky comments about them one line at a time, ala MST3K. Des made a pretty kickass banner that went along with it that, unfortunately, has been lost in the tides of the Internet and hard drive miscues.)
If anyone is interested, I saved the chatlog for the meeting, which will explain all the basics of the site. Just comment here, and I will send it along to you.