Dagger is probably the only person who will care about these posts, but IT MATTERS NOT, FOR THE CALL OF THE FANTARD MUST BE ANSWERED.
So, yes, I just finished watching the season premiere of Lost, and my mind has been blown a thousand ways from Sunday, and it is awesome. I wrote down semi-coherent thoughts during the show, which I shall now share (with some parts expanded as I see fit). Spoiler tagged where necessary so that I don't ruin things for Dagger. :P
-- Dr. Candle/Wickmund/Halliwax = the Asian Tim Curry, according to my brother. Many laughs were had.
-- past Faraday wtf
-- "Well, that's the spirit." - Ben, to a depressed Jack, who has lost all his friends and sees no hope of getting any of them back onto the island.
-- time travel island = f'ed
-- hay Rose and Bernard still exist lol
-- "It hasn't been built yet." wat (More time traveling shenanigans. Everyone's in the past, before they crashed onto the island. Yikes.)
-- And Kate is running, what a surprise.
-- Locke = Cary Grant in North By Northwest
-- lol, any excuse to make Ethan alive again, even if just for a few moments. Ah, random fan service.
-- Locke = Billy Pilgrim rofl
-- Sayid is still the Iraqi James Bond; your drugs do not harm him. (... Well, not right away, anyway, apparently. DAMN at the knife kill, btw.)
-- LOL @ guy taking cell phone pic, what a dork.
-- DESTINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY (This is when Faraday explains that no matter what the islanders do, they cannot mess with whatever timeline they're in, because they're failures.
-- ... So, certain people will travel through time, but others won't? I wonder how that works.
-- "... It points north, John. :|" lol @ Alpert
-- "You're going to have to die, John." COMMENCE MIND-F'ING
-- *snorts at Juliet explaining the situation to Ghostbuster*
-- rofl Ghostbuster "That chick likes me." If you say so, buddy.
-- DESMOND IS SPECIAL W00T, not like Kate, who is "special."
-- ... or, not, Hurley was just hallucinating. STOP PLAYING WITH MY MIND, WRITERS.
-- "I ... like ... shih-tzus." "It looks like you *heart* them." lol, Hurley, you picked the funniest shirt possible in that situation.
-- Wow, Kate dumps Jack, and then she nearly runs to him at the first sign of trouble. LOSER. L-O-S-E-R.
-- The Oceanic Six start to reform -- Hurley is totally going to call Jack to help Sayid.
-- LOL KATE IS A MORON. "Sun is going to help me, yay!"
-- Sawyer's angry face looks like a Muppet.
-- lol @ uglier!Steve Buscemi getting fire arrow'd
-- Please, God, tell me Sun is lying, and she actually hates Kate. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. (Seriously, though, you don't go to Widmore and collude with the guy and then enjoy the company of Kate. You just don't. Actually, you don't enjoy the company of Kate regardless of what you are doing, but you ESPECIALLY don't enjoy her company in this situation. What I am saying is TURN EVIL AND DESTROY KATE PLZ SUN KTHX.)
-- lol, Sayid has "a crazy double life where he does ninja moves and spy stuff."
-- Wow. Hurley throwing a Hot Pocket at Ben is hilarious.
-- Hurley thinks he has one over on Ben. He totally doesn't.
-- Locke: hay guyz lol
-- Ben has to get everyone together in 70 hours. Something tells me he does it. Because he's awesome.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, what a great start to the season, as always. Some new questions, of course, but answers are being thrown out by the bunch, too. Time travel is officially confirmed, Locke dying is a ploy to get everyone back onto the island, and so on and so forth. No complaints at all about this episode, aside of my vicious hatred of Kate. This season is going to rule so hard.