An Award-Winning Performance

I would like to thank my Internet connection for going absolutely bonkers and shutting down for the night not 15 minutes before the premiere of four episodes of Gundam 00 on the SciFi Channel.

Yep, I sure enjoyed not chatting with 'Gome, Ryo and whoever else was around for them! Couldn't think of a better way to spend my night!

At least I got some reading done. :| *seethes*

EDIT: Thank the gods!! My dad says we are switching our connection today. I'll probably be offline for an extended amount of time today, too, but it's worth it.

Anyway, this is the part of the post where I drop major Gundam 00 spoilers!!

-- R.I.P. Lockon Stratos :( :( :( :( :( There are not enough sad emoticons to honor your passing.
-- On the bright side, Tieria becomes CONSUMED WITH VENGEANCE~! upon Lockon's death, and everyone comes out a winner there. Except Lockon. >>;;;;
-- LO F'ING L @ the Trinities. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of douchebags. I still enjoy the entirely unceremonious death of Michael Trinity and the humiliating death of Johann. If only Setsuna had come a few seconds later, so that Ali could finish the job on Nena. Oh well.
-- Speaking of Ali, as much as I enjoy Gundam 00, he is the only villain on the show I can take seriously. (Then again, I don't consider a lot of antagonists -- such as Soma, Graham, etc. -- to be actual villains. They're good people who just happen to be fighting against Celestial Being.)
-- Trans-Am ftw. Setsuna is my boy, even if his punctuality caused Nena to keep living. I'll forgive you this time, buddy.
-- Alejandro and Ribbons getting owned by Aeolia Schenberg 200 years after his death is hysterical.
-- Also funny is Hallelujah basically saying, "gtfo Allelujah" and taking over for the final battle. Awesome.
-- For anyone going, "Huh?" at the conspicuous lack of Graham (except for one scene), you will get your fill of him next week. Promise. :)
-- Alejandro's big, gold, goofy machine of death sucks. I hate him.
-- Did I mention Lockon dying just about made me tear up again????? Jeez. The episodes before that were like a trip down Memory Lane; I enjoyed watching them and was like, "Oh man, I remember that scene -- awesome!" but when Lockon dies ... man, I was as into the show as I was when I first watched it. Such a great scene. :( :( :( :( :(
