Lots happening on Lost this week, so let's get down to the spazzing!!
-- People start using cell phones younger and younger these days. (Sun's daughter is very cute, btw.)
-- Can Sun truly go through with being super evil? Let's find out!
-- "Because he's not your son, Kate." You tell her, Ben.
-- ... Whether she goes through with it or not, assassin!Sun is hot.
-- Dude, Ben knows everything, and ice water runs through his veins. I wonder what his proof is.
-- lol, Frenchie hears the numbers on his receiver.
-- It's 1988. I was 3 years old.
-- Jin: Dude, I am not an idiot.
-- Big surprise. The French guy is an obnoxious douche.
-- needs moar emotional Jin/Sun reunion
-- "She's probably chasing a butterfly." TOTAL DOUCHE.
-- Will we have our first smoke monster sighting of the season?
-- Crazy monster attack, gogogo!
-- I love that Lost invents horrible a-holes for the sole purpose of killing them off. Thank you.
-- "He's got an arm off!!"
-- It's a bit late now to give him a hand. *rimshot* Thank you, I'll be here all week.
-- And Danielle begins her transformation into a French badass.
-- OK, so Jin is susceptible to the time traveling, too. I wonder if he has been traveling on the same plane as the others the entire time, except he wasn't aware of it?
-- Also, he has to be scared shitless, because he has NO clue what is going on.
-- Oh god, that guy's withered arm is gross.
-- Whatever the smoke monster did the French brigade, that is the source of the sickness.
-- And Robert was ready to kill her. Yikes.
-- Yay, happy reunion time!
-- ... And, sadness. Or, actually, Jin would probably be happy to hear his wife is safe and off the island.
-- Please let that be the ONLY explanation offered, because "Jin was blasted into a time warp" is already ridiculous enough.
-- lol, Jin. "Screw this, get me someone who speaks Korean."
-- LOL @ Sawyer assuming Jin went to Ghostbuster for translation. "He's Korean. I'm from Encino."
-- Jin: Wait, you want her back here?? Does not compute.
-- gtfo Kate
-- Sayid is a bad, bad man.
-- I am going to miss Evil Sun. Also, again, Ben still has ice water in his veins.
-- Locke does not wish to be bothered with explanations. Such a grumpy old man.
-- "Just Klingon." Faraday: hawt
-- Time shifting looks more painful each time they do it. My God.
-- Did Charlotte just have some kind of insane vision?? She definitely does not want the Oceanic Six coming back to the island. Can't really argue with her hypothesis, though -- a crapload of people have died on the island.
-- lol, "I didn't account for traffic."
-- Ben does not take kindly to insults. Jack needed that verbal bitchslap, anyway.
-- Uh oh, Charlotte has the Teresa thing going on. Her mind is in a different place.
-- Already leaving people behind. Tsk tsk.
-- Time travel: The cruelest of plot devices.
-- Charlotte lived on the island and knew crazy people. Not exactly surprising, actually, since we knew she'd been on the island before.
-- ... She's going to die. :O
-- lol, Faraday has been a busy time traveler, apparently. Sorry, but YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING.
-- Locke is a liar liar pants on fire. Or half a liar, anyway, since I doubt Sun will bring her child anywhere near the island.
-- Proof? Maybe ... BEN'S proof? :O
-- Man, that downward view into the well with the crazy light (wtf a time travel laser or something??) is kind of scary. And, ouch, painful Locke scream is painful.
-- Sawyer misses Locke already. Aww.
-- Faraday's mother is the solution to everything.
-- ... And Charlotte is dead. Poor Dagger. I hope this is not an ill omen for Ghostbuster.
-- Oh my God, that sharp object under Locke's knee looks super painful. Like, I feel like I need knee surgery just looking at that.
-- hay jack's dad lol
-- lol, does Christian not like Ben or something?
-- Yep, Christian wants Locke to bring everyone to Mrs. Hawking.
-- He literally can't help Locke up -- not having a physical form kind of hurts that.
-- ... I don't remember this room being so horrifying when Ben was here.
-- Jin's ring ftw.
-- lol, Ben is the greatest liar ever. "I went to see HIM." Technically true, and yet a really douchetastic lie. Good man.
-- Sun is on board with the plan now. Poor Jin.
-- Holy crap, Desmond looks like a badass.
-- Did Desmond ever meet Ben before this? I honestly do not remember.
-- ... And Desmond HAS to be the first person in history to leave Ben speechless.
-- Mrs. Hawking will now lead the first lesson in Getting Back to the Island 101.
Another solid episode this week. Charlotte's dead, but I doubt we have seen the last of her. Locke is also off the island, and the Oceanic Six are going back to the island -- or, at least, some of them are learning how to get back there. I practically rolled my eyes out of my sockets during the Jack/Kate kiss in the preview for next week's episode. Please do not let that be a bad sign.