Life Is Soooooooo Wonderful

How can I have only two classes and yet still have no time to do anything?? How???

This quarter is going to be a lot of fun ... I have no idea yet whether I am being sarcastic with that, but for now, I am leaning toward yes. On the one hand, Advanced Broadcast Journalism might turn out to be a bit easier than I thought it would be. At the very least, I have an idea for a feature to do in the middle of the quarter.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Reporting III is going to kill me. Our main assignment is to cover a town - municipal government, education, crime, etc. Involved with that is a few stories we have to write, including a big investigative feature we're doing (which kind of makes me nervous because the most investigating I've ever done is by proxy through Sherlock Holmes). By itself that wouldn't be TOO bad since reporters are required to have absolutely no life, and I guess this simulates that pretty well, but combined with my internship and my work on the newspaper?

If you never see me again, well, you'll have that to blame.

In other news, I can't stop watching Monster, although my pace has slowed considerably. I'm on episode 28 right now. For me, the most interesting conflict is Dr. Tenma vs. his inner nature. He won't let other people kill - he even stopped Anna from killing that scummy Neo Nazi douche who was going to light up the Turkish town - yet he expects to be able to kill Johan. I'm looking forward to how that will be reconciled. Also, Inspector Lunge is almost as creepy as Johan. When his wife and daughter leave him and he has NO reaction whatsoever? Creeeeeeepy. His voice is also quite unsettling. Everything about the guy weirds me out.

*vanishes in a puff of smoke*
