Disneyland, Ahoy!

We still had more time to kill until we could use the Fast Pass for Indiana Jones, so we picked up another set of Fast Passes for Splash Mountain and ventured to Fantasyland, since it closes early once the parades get moving. Laura wanted to ride Alice in Wonderland, so there we went. We hopped into our caterpillars and made for Wonderland. (But not without being wished a very merry Unbirthday first.)

The ride, like most of the Fantasyland rides, is just a retelling of the movie. So we saw Tweedledee and Tweedledum, a Caterpillar who has apparently dissolved into hookah smoke in this picture, the Cheshire Cat and, um, the part of the story where Alice drops acid, I guess. Good times, good times.

Upon exiting the ride, we discovered our Indiana Jones fast passes were almost good to go, but Laura said we had time to ride Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin before then, so we said, "Why not?" and went to Mickey's Toontown. I hadn't been on the Roger Rabbit ride in years, so I was looking forward to it. When we got inside and saw the line, Derrick and I were like, "Oh, cool, the line is short, so we should be able to get on quickly!"

Yeah, we both completely forgot about the winding corridors on the way to the main dropoff. Oops.

So we spent a lot of time going, "Oh crap, are we going to get on Indiana Jones in time??" (If you know what I mean. *punched*) Jessica Rabbit distracted us nicely, though. We were also prompted to buy bonds on the way, which is nice. Have to support the war effort, after all.

The ride itself is about as fun as I remember. I was in a car all by myself, so it was somewhat difficult to make the car spin and take pictures at the same time, but I did it. Roger helped me out in the beginning by showing me how to spin. Here, one of the Weasels tries to get me, except he's radioactive or something. And evil furnace is evil.

Laura and Derrick had so much fun on the ride that I had to spring them from prison afterward. We had about 20 minutes until our Fast Passes expired, so he hauled ass to Adventureland and made it with about eight minutes to spare. Go us!