A Question

Anime post is down below, of course, but I have a question to those who read 'em each week: Would they be more readable if I split them up into two parts each week?

I like what TC does with his posts, and my posts do appear unwieldy and intimidatingly long, to say the least, haha. This would not affect my writing at all, because I compose my thoughts right after I finish episodes, anyway, so it's mainly a point of concern for all of you. Well, I guess an added benefit for me is that I get thoughts out on episodes of certain series sooner after they come out lol. (It did annoy me a bit to be the last one to share opinions on Gundam 00!)

The way I see is that I'd post one part on Thursday/Friday and the other part on Monday/Tuesday. Yay or nay, people? :O

EDIT: Haha, well that appears to be decided! The status quo is preserved.
