Joy of joys.

Got a call from Best Buy just now -- apparently there is a memory issue with my laptop that has to be fixed before they can get my computer working again, so they have to send it out to get that worked on. That means I probably won't get my computer back for another couple of weeks at least, and maybe a bit longer than that. Bummer. :(

Oh well. It could be worse. At least it will be fixed. And, hey, I have plenty of things to look forward to -- Anime Expo is this week, got a fun Fourth of July day at my uncle's house the day after and at the end of month, my family and my uncle's family will spend about five days or so in Las Vegas. (The excuse is my brother's graduation from high school, even though he is, er, not yet old enough to gamble. :P) My siblings are funneling me coins to use on the slot machines, the little scamps. Perhaps I shall teach them a lesson about gambling by keeping their money!

(Just kidding. I will probably lose it all anyway.)
