To Yukigakure- Mamoru

Though he hadn't been surprised to be put on a team with Keisuke, Mamoru was less than enthused about it. He had certainly missed him, but being on a team with him...well, that meant he'd have to prove himself to Keisuke. He had always been the weak one; after being protected for so long, he'd grown strong enough to protect others, and smart enough to understand when someone was lying to him.

He could tell immediately that Keisuke was hiding something when he saw him standing next to their third teammate, though he didn't let it show on his face.

His morning had not been terrible; after walking his siblings to the bus stop, he''d gone on to meet with Lord Hokage.

"You keep Keisuke grounded, so I want you to go with them."

Mamoru was slightly at odds about being in a three-man cell. Though it was usually customary, he'd become accustomed to taking missions on his own (something that was often unheard of for chunnin with his abilities), and was slightly unnerved by the fact that he would have to be a "team player" again. Usually, he was the one who ended up lacking. As he shifted his backpack full of supplies, he braced himself for an uncomfortable trip.

"Mm." The silverette nodded a bit in greeting before giving his former (and current) teammate a smile. "I suppose this makes it three times. And you are?" The girl standing beside him was one he hadn't been acquainted with, so when she introduced herself, he bowed slightly. "I'm Yukinojo Mamoru."

She exchanged a greeting with him as well, though in a less formal way, which was expected. Though she gave the chunnin a smile, she seemed less than enthused about Keisuke-kun, and it showed on her face. "Now that everyone's here, we can leave."

He felt as though there had been or was something between them (maybe something sexual?). Either way, it made him a bit uncomfortable, and he didn't really keep pace with either of them, instead choosing to fall into step just behind them.

Hope that's okay!
